Monday, 30 June 2014

The Ultimate Truth:
God vs Devil (Facts & Fiction)

Now the question arises why there is from time to time turmoil, disturbances ,accidents and violence in God-made universe. The answer lies in the law of antithesis that states that nothing can exist without its antithetical aspect, not even God, who has Devil as his counterpart in the antithetical zone to shake and give jolts to God's Creation from time to time.

The Devil is as much a reality as God. Both are joined to each other just as an unborn child is joined to the mother with umbilical cord. They co-exist ,cannot be separated and are equally powerful. Both of them live in the mind of an individual as much as they live in the entire universe. In spite of their clearly marked boundaries of territories, they have free unrestricted access to each other's regimes. Minor violations are ignored. Both God and Devil know that a subtle balance is essential for the survival of both. Neither of the two can survive of his own. Those who clamor for the eradication of evil from the society are perhaps not aware of the power of Devil. It is better to let the sleeping dog (Devil) lie, it does no harm to anybody. The Purists in search of Heavenly Kingdom are responsible for tempting the Devil and to enrage him. When God has no problems or issues with Devil, why should man be over enthusiastic to tempt Devil and to force him to shake the peace and equanimity of the world in self defense. But for the unwanted and uncalled for interference of man Devil poses no danger to the existence of God's universe.

The only solution to the upheaval in the universe is the time tested principle "Live and let live."

One can either live life
Or understand it
If one lives
One cannot understand

If one understands
One can't live
One can't have one's cake
And eat it too

Both living and understanding
Is,no doubt, possible
But it needs a very fine tuning
Which only a few can manage

Sunday, 29 June 2014

The Ultimate Truth: Chapter II continued
Facts & Fiction

We may argue about the existence of GOD but there is no denying the existence of Divinity or Godliness pervading the whole universe. This Godliness manifests in various physical forms , actions and behavior of fellow human beings and all other creatures, and above all divine laws that govern and discipline this vast universe. Now the question arises whether God or Godliness can exist as separate entity , it will be the same thing as asking whether any color, white for example, can exist without without being manifested in some physical object. There are numerous other attributes that have no existence of their own as such but can be realized in certain physical objects only.Take for example, sweetness, bitterness, softness, which have their existence manifested in certain physical objects only and not apart from them.We cannot deny the existence of white color but at the same time we cannot see white color separated from objects. Whiteness in abstract form may exist in mind but it cannot be found anywhere outside. The same is true I presume with respect to God and Godliness,we can have some idea about God in the mind but we cannot find God outside in isolation in any physical object or form.We cannot give any physical form to God,though we can perceive and realize God or for that purpose Godliness in the outside physical world. The conclusion is that God and Godliness are certainly realities which cannot be shown to others but have to be realized by each individual separately and independently. Viewed thus, God, Godliness and Divinity are synonyms used for certain characteristics which ensure smooth and flawless movement of this universe, physical, psychological and emotional wellness of life and vegetation on earth or elsewhere on any other heavenly body if life be there,and are considered positive in nature. The other corollary of the above analysis is that human beings and all other physical bodies in the universe are capable of assuming Divinity or Godliness.

Now the question arises why there is from time to time turmoil, disturbances ,accidents and violence in God-made universe. The answer lies in the law of antithesis that states that nothing can exist without its antithetical aspect, not even God, who has Devil as his counterpart in the antithetical zone to shake and give jolts to His Creation.
The Ultimate Truth : Chapter II
(Facts & Fiction)

When talking about the ultimate truth we can't afford to miss three terms in particular: God, Divinity and Infinity.let us first look at the term infinity. In simple language it means: endless, without beginning, without end. But to a mathematician it means a lot more and he fails to apply his regular calculations and formulas to the concept of infinity. For example you cannot add anything to infinity and you cannot deduct anything from It. Similarly you cannot divide or multiply infinity to any number. In all these cases the result will invariably be infinity. Man cannot imagine the application of the concept of infinity to any other field other than the universe or at the most imaginary concept of counting from 1 to infinity, which too practically an impossibility. Not only that, the mathematicians have hit upon another corollary I.e. the fractional numbers between any two whole numbers ,let us say 2 and 3,is also infinite. In the domain of infinity a curve no longer remains a curve and it coincides with a straight line, which again does not appeal to the human mind that cannot fully comprehend the concept of infinity. All calculations involving infinity are beyond the scope of man. We may tell, to some extent, the shape size and weight of some heavenly bodies but no scientist can tell the number of these heavenly bodies. Nobody knows whether the dome that encompasses the infinite heavenly bodies is round , square, rectangular, cubicle or anything other than all this. These facts alone are enough to show the helplessness of all scientists and knowledgeable persons of the world. So the poor fellow leaves such things to be handled by some power, which man calls Almighty or God.

Now next and the most important point to be considered is about the existence of God. By and large this point seems to be settled as majority of the people in the world have a strong conviction about the existence of God, it is a different matter that for some God is manifest ( in physical form ) and for others He is unmanifest I.e.without any physical form. Many claim to have seen God, claim to be in regular contact and communion with Him and also promise to show Him to any seeker. The group of these people is collectively referred to as THEISTS. There are others who are of the strong opinion that there is no God and they are labelled as ATHE ISTS. And still there is the third group that does not align itself to either of the two groups and prefers itself to be labelled as AGNOSTICS. Whatever position is taken by any person with respect to the existence of God is not of much consequence but the arguments and disputes about the existence of God is sheer wastage of time and energy that will not take people to any conclusion whatsoever. But one thing is certain that we shall have to coin some mutually acceptable term in linguistic parameters to whom we can leave the unexplained riddles and enigmas about the origin of this universe and its unfathomable magnitude.

Call God by any other name
GOD remains God
The nomenclature can't change
The essence of a substance

We may argue about the existence of GOD but there is no denying about the existence of DIVINITY that is all pervasive in the universe.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

The Ultimate Truth ( updated version as on June 29):

The ultimate truth about this universe is that it is packed to the capacity. Nothing can be added to it and nothing can be taken out of it. It is infinite, it has no beginning and no end. Except this phenomenon of universe man can not imagine anything without beginning or end and he knows no reason how and why this universe can be beginningless and endless.It is fully insulated from any outside influences or intrusions Every movement in it is highly disciplined and regulated. In fact there is nothing outside it..Nothing new comes up here except change ,transmutation and transformation of that is already there. There is no BIRTH and no DEATH in this universe, only change of material shapes and forms and different permutations and combinations of non-material aspects, such as, soul, consciousness, brain, mind, memory, ego, intellect, etc. Thus the law of change and transformation applies to every aspect - abstract or concrete.. No new thoughts, ideas or philosophies. Everything has always been there and will be there.These basic characteristics of the universe are beyond human mind, intelligence or logicThis fact has already been accepted by the scientists in the principle that nothing can be created and nothing can be destroyed. In the absence of answers related to these mysteries of the universe GOD comes in handy to be the cause of all that cannot be understood or explained by the human mind. According to the law of antithesis nothing can exist in isolation without its antithetical aspect, not even GOD, so there is DEVIL to authenticate the existence of GOD.That way I am not presenting any new idea, what I am trying to do is to explore the implications of some unexplainable and enigmatic divine facts and that too from my own view point.

(i)The existence has two levels: abstract and concrete. Apparently these two terms appear to be quite apart but closer examination shows that there is a very thin line separating the two.This is mainly because of another universal law of antithesis.

(Iii)According to the law of antithesis, nothing can exist in isolation, existence needs to be supported by something antithetical: heat-cold, light-darkness,truth-falsehood, love-hate and so on, non of these pairs can exist separated from the other.

To be continued........

The Ultimate Truth:  (...........contd)

(iii) There is no role of God in running this universe, otherwise there would have been no misery, sorrow or pain in this world. For the time being earth is the only inhabited place in the universe known to man, though there are speculations about other inhabited places also. The universe is on Auto Pilot Mode. There is no chance of an error in the smooth running except the ones caused by Devil and that too not directly but through man. The boundaries of territories of God and Devil are very well defined and both of them respect each other and are at peace with each other. It is only man who tempts the Devil some times for his selfish ends.

This universe does not wholly belong to God
As some people wrongly believe
A part of it is under Devil's sway
And God knows it well

God and Devil are first cousins
Though they don't see eye to eye
Both know each other's strength ...
Neither dare challenge the other

Both are at peace with each other
Once they shared the same abode
Till Devil revolted against God's supremacy
And was thrown out of Heaven

Now Devil lives in his own abode Hell
In God's neighborhood adjacent to Heaven
Devil is the undisputed lord of Hell
And God respects his sovereignty

The Devil nurses a deep grudge and ill will against God inwardly because of his expulsion from Heaven after the failure of his coup against the supreme authority of God in Heaven though outwardly in day to day interaction with God he is extra cordial and friendly. In the earliest times of creation also Devil used Adam ( our first ancestor) and instigated him to eat the forbidden Fruit of Knowledge and thus commit the sin of disobeying his Creator resulting in his expulsion from the blissful Garden of Eden. Devil though almost equally strong and powerful knows that he cannot defeat God in one on one fight, so he uses man from time time to cause disturbance and turmoil on earth to satisfy his feeling of revenge against God.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Devil's Workshop

An empty brain is Devil's workshop - thus goes an English proverb and another English saying states similar truth "the devil makes work for idle hands".Most people accept the truth in it and often use this proverb in day to day life to illustrate the mischiefs of idlers ,particularly of children, without bothering to go beyond its surface meaning.However a closer  examination of the implications hidden in the deeper layers of this proverb provides explanation to some very important principles of human psychology.

Under normal conditions human mind can never remain empty. It usually remains overcrowded with assorted ideas and thoughts - good, bad, sweet, sour, bitter,dull,brilliant,constructive,destructive and so on running simultaneously. Usually the mind remains in auto fill mode and it does not allow any space in it to remain empty. In the absence of any good or constructive ideas available, the bad and destructive ideas are always handy and they creep into the empty space of mind stealthily without being noticed until the results of evil and destruction begin to show up, That is why an empty brain is rightly said to be a Devil's workshop.

The solution to shut down this devil's destructive workshop is very simple. The only thing that it requires is a higher level of self-consciousness and easy access to positive and constructive ideas to keep the space in mind fully occupied. For the simple minded people remaining engaged in chanting (JAAP), singing or listening to the devotional songs, or plain music is a simple and very effective remedy. To keep the Devil away from the children is the responsibility of the parents by providing them with constructive and interesting activities in their free time.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

How to begin your day?

Most of our physical and mental ailments ,particularly headaches and migraines, are the result of chaotic traffic in our internal world . Ten minutes silence with closed eyes and a focused peep in the inner world before stepping out of the bed in the morning is the first step for watching and regulating this traffic.More than 90% of our ideas and thoughts are unwanted,irrelevant intrusions making the mind over-work and distracting its attention from the main issues. Prepare your agenda for the day and get set to go. This one careful look in the mind to to break the automatic chain of thoughts works wonders and in terms of simile it is equivalent to weeding out unwanted growth from your kitchen garden providing better scope and opportunity for the growth of desired vegetables and plants. Just two minutes complete thoughtlessness or if you can't do that, focus on the form or the name of deity of your choice is a guarantee of a smooth day ahead.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Life without pain or pleasure is waste
The sum total of life lies
In moments experienced
And not in empty moments 

Friday, 20 June 2014

A letter to Spiritual Science Research Foundation

A letter to Spiritual Science Research Foundation .


I have been on the inward journey for quite a few decades now. I have been conducting search and research in various aspects of spirituality, enlightenment and metaphysics on micro level and I am glad to find that the same job is being done by SSRF on a gigantic international scale. Some of my insights are available on my Facebook Timeline DP Sharma,,Facebook Page Spirituality, Enlightenment and Metaphysics and Blog "". Most of the insights, revelations and perspectives are similar in nature, there are some minor variations, as can be expected in any study of metaphysical nature , and certain revelations are absolutely new for me. For example in my spiritual world there is no place for ghosts and evil spirits. I consider all these to be the phantoms of a weak, sick and diseased mind, which can easily be treated by the first few steps of spiritual practice suggested by your saints and scholars. The other major point is regarding percentage of spirituality in an individual. My ANUBHUTIES are that either one is spiritual or not, there is nothing in-between. Once a person is evolved and realized he has the option to live ordinary worldly life with a much higher potential of over all efficiency and ease or he can opt for missionary job of helping others, as your organization is doing, or still can continue to keep his eyes on the hitherto unexplored aspects of the inner world, to seek answers to various questions which have been raising their heads in every age and which defy any universally acceptable answer. I have opted for the third alternative at my age of 70. I have absolutely no personal itch but I feel that we should try to keep the tradition of our ancestral rishies and munies alive to keep the doors open for more and more worldly knowledge. Simply presuming that our ancestors have unfolded every mystery of divine nature, and not even knowing what that is, is sure to cause stagnation. I am glad to find that SSRF is sure to make new strides in the field of spirituality and inner world. I would remain associated with this organization through internet and my age and strength permitting, would like to be associated in more active and fruitful manner. Being absolutely new to your organization, I do not know whom to address, I am sending my feedback through Comments Section and I hope it will be forwarded to the concerned Saint, scholar or the seeker as you may deem fit.With best wishes

Monday, 16 June 2014

Spirituality - Part II.

Spirituality, materialism and physicality(ramifications of the human body) are neither at variance nor in conflict with one another. There is no need to renounce one in order to follow the other. There is nothing wrong in following the path of renunciation of worldly possessions in order to follow the path of spirituality by certain ascetics but it is not a pre-condition to tread on the path of spirituality. Similarly, deprivation of bodily needs is also not a pre-requisite. Too much is made out of the negative influences
of KAAM (Lechery), KRODH (Anger), LOBH (Greed), MOH (Obsessive attachment) and AHANKAR (Pride) as deterrents to the attainment of highest spiritual state i.e. MUKTI or salvation.All these traits can stay in moderation in a human being without causing any hindrance in his way to attainment of higher level of living. The ultimate destination of spirituality is just a mental state of equanimity that transcends all material possessions and bodily deprivations and creates in the achiever what in Hindi is called Sam Bhaav (Equanimity).. At this stage nothing shakes the achiever and no happening of the world, howsoever bad ,sad or shocking from the viewpoint of ordinary mortals, can raise even a ripple in his mind. Now it is his choice he can stay in this regime as long as he wants or he can join back his routine worldly duties.He may be the same person for people around him but he alone knows what he has become with his physical and mental potential much higher than others. Most of the Indians have often heard such things, they themselves know these well and can teach them to others but there are very few who can live them. Living is that matters.
Spirituality - Part I.

The path of ADHYATAM or Spirituality is considered by the young generation some sort of religious gimmick and the fad of old people.. Nothing could be far from truth than this notion.First of all it is important to note that spirituality has nothing to do with any sectarian religion. It is highly scientific and universal in nature. Secondly it is not at all hostile to materialism and physicality (ramifications of the human body). Whatever difference we find in a realized spiritual person from an ordinary person is the by-product of spiritual attainment or enlightenment. If a spiritual person changes his outlook towards materialism and physicality it is because of deeper understanding of the divine and universal facts and the futility of ordinary worldly activities and not because of any dictates of spirituality. An enlightened person has the choice to live like any other non-spiritual family person with a much better quality of life because of clear vision and highly enhanced physical and mental potential.The earlier a person understands this thing, the better.. Spirituality is also not a male domain as it was considered by some before the entry of certain female protagonists in this field who took courage to break the hegemony of male dominance. Anandmurti Gurumaa, Ritambra Didimaa, Brahmkumari Shivani and numerous others are living examples of this new genderless horizon of spirituality.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Human Vision 
Human beings are gifted with two different visions: External and Internal. External vision is practical ,mechanical and very much limited. Two main limiting factors are space and time ,we can't look back and forth in time and we can't see beyond a particular distance and simultaneously in all the directions at the same time. Third factor is the condition,health and efficiency of the eyes. The first two factors are common and identical in all irrespective of any other condition but the third factor is
variable in all the individuals. Hence no two persons have similarity of vision with respect to any physical object. It is the same thing as there are no two persons, including identical twins, with identical mass, form , shape or appearance. Up to the level of physical vision all human beings are at as much advantage as animals, or even worse of because certain birds and animals are said to be having much better and more efficient eye mechanism. So we don't have much to boast about so far as our external vision is concerned.
  Besides ,external vision is highly deceptive. It is affected by the psychology of the viewer and the amount of light available. The viewer usually fails to see "what is"but only sees "what he wants to see". The amont of light falling on the object gives it different shades ,shapes and forms, thus presenting different realities of the same object under different conditions and circumstance This deception of the eyes is perhaps the main reason that some of our religious pundits have termed the external world as MAYA or illusion. The oft repeated illustration of man's inability to distinguish between a curled cord or snake in dim light is not the only case in point. Numerous other illustrations can be added to it. In fact the function of the External Vision is limited to  the physical needs of the body. In addition to all this the interpretive part of the brain that creates images of the viewed objects in the mind some times plays havoc with the external and physical realities of the world. With the help of external vision human beings can in no way rise above the functional level of Animal Kingdom.It is the Internal Vision that distinguishes man from other animals. But unfortunately most people fail to see the presence and significance of this vision and usually end up living their lives at animal level only.
As opposed to the External Vision, the Internal Vision knows no limitation of space, direction, time,abstractions or for that purpose any other impediments or obstructions. It is this vision that raises      homo sapiens above the level of animals and then to the still higher levels of Divinity and Infinity.

(To be continued...)

Friday, 13 June 2014


Every Indian knows well about five VIKARS or vices: KAAM, KRODH, LOBH, MOH and AHANKAR that according to Spiritual Teachers are deterrents to the attainment of MUKTI (salvation) or higher level of spiritual living. Many consider them necessary evils difficult to get rid of and willy-nilly accept them as way of life and some carry along with them a feeling of guilt. The number of corresponding vices according to Christianity is seven and these are termed as seven DEADLY SINS. Four are common - KAAM (Lust), KRODH (Wrath), LOBH(Greed),AHANKAR (Pride), there is no vice corresponding to MOH, and the additional three according to Christianity are: Sloth, Envy and Gluttony. I have never been able to fully accept or reject this viewpoint. For me the presence of these so called vices in moderation has never been a matter of concern or a deterrent to higher or spiritual level ,of living. The excess of any one or more in combination is highly damaging to the mind and body. The maximum apprehensions to the people are about the most haunting vice KAAM. After long deliberations with myself what I have been able to conclude, I would like to share with others. KAAM in Hindi is usually taken to mean as Sambhog (sexual intercourse) or more so as KAAMNA (desire). The English word LUST has the same connotations. Well sex as an procreative activity is inbuilt in human body, it cannot be and should not be banished from the body.In ancient times all the RISHIS and MUNIS indulged in this activity and never spoke against it.So SAMBHOG as a bodily function for procreation (not for pleasure) is essential and cannot be termed as VIKAR, vice or sin.It is basically an animal instinctive urge to survive and is pure and sacred.However, when sexual activity becomes a FUNCTION OF THE MIND,and begins to live in mind overwhelmingly it becomes Lust and is certainly a barrier to the spiritual and higher level of living.Not only that , it becomes a cause of numerous sex related crimes,aberrations and perversions.

The Universal Dilemma

There are certain questions which have often been directed to one's own self in every age yet no satisfactory and universally acceptable answers have so far been found to these questions and as a result these questions continue to echo and resound somewhere within human mind and continue to haunt mankind. Some of these questions are: who am I ? Where from have I come? Where am I to go? What is death? And above all, what is the purpose of life ? All these questions have stayed with me right from my childhood when I used to lie sleepless in the middle of night on my charpoi under the shade of open sky and stars. All through my life I have been shuffling through various answers that have been cropping up from time to time but without any satisfaction. Some claim to have solved riddles of these questions and others have left answers to the questions to an ultimate illusive power that they call God. The existence of God is almost universally accepted with the exception of a few skeptics and fortunately or unfortunately I am one of them.I am neither a theist nor an atheist. I am not a theist because I have not no far been able to perceive, visualize, conceptualize, realize God as others claim to have done, so I am not sure about God as the theists are. I am not an atheist in the sense that I do not deny the existence of God. I am at best an agnostic and remain open to confront GOD every now and then.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

God versus Godliness:

I have not so far been convinced about the existence of God in physical form but I have always felt and realized the existence of God and Godliness pervading the whole universe. This Godliness manifests in various physical forms , actions and behavior of fellow human beings and all other creatures, and above all divine laws that govern and discipline this vast universe. Nowthe question arises whether God or Godliness can exist as separate entity , it will be the same thing as asking whether any color, white for example, can exist without without being manifested in some physical object. We cannot deny the existence of white color but at the same time we cannot see white color separated from objects. Whiteness in abstract form may exist in mind but it cannot be found anywhere outside. The same is true I presume with respect to God and Godliness,we can have some idea about God in the mind but we cannot find God outside in isolation in any physical object or form.We cannot give any physical form to God,though we can perceive and realize God or for that purpose Godliness in the outside physical world. The conclusion is that God and Godliness are certainly realities which cannot be shown to others but have to be realized by each individual separately and independently.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

The Purpose of Life

One of the questions that has always haunted me right from childhood is: what is the purpose of man's life in the universe? Broadly speaking my genuine answer to. this question is that life on earth has absolutely no purpose and that man is just a puppet in the hands of fate, chance and circumstances. He was never given the choice for being born. Thus life having been forced upon man without his will or consent , the poor fellow has been left with no alternative but to fend for himself, give his own meaning to life and live accordingly till ultimately he is taken away by some unknown force, which some people call God. Some religious leaders try to dictate terms to man as agents of God and force him to surrender his free will and follow the directives. Most fall in line and prefer not to use mind or intelligence in deciding the ways of life. There are some who always feel restless and do not feel satisfied with what others tell them and are constantly busy seeking full satisfaction for their curiosity . My story too has been some thing like that. I have tried to seek my own answers to various eternal questions which defy any universally acceptable answers and one such question that I intend to deal with here is: what is the purpose of man's life on earth
  Notwithstanding the fact that in the ultimate analysis there is absolutely no meaning and purpose of life, the inquisitive man continues to find meaning and purpose of life and there is no dearth of advocates who claim to know everything on the subject, it is different matter that there is no consensus among them. The end result is confusion for the common man either to make a choice from the available stuff or to make his own effort to look beyond what others can show him. I hereby place on record the outcome of my efforts. In all humility I admit that there is nothing original or final in it, and all this has percolated to me from the existing thought bank and collective consciousness, the major share coming from the highly scientific, humane ,secular and universal Vedantic philosophy. I carefully avoid using any parochial adjective or qualifier like Indian or Hindu with Vedantic Philosophy because that gives it narrow regional and sectarian shade and false credit whereas there is no such thing. This philosophy has sprouted and grown on .this planet with 
collective efforts of mankind..

The purpose of man's life on earth can be broadly divided into four parts or stages: Survival, Improvement in the Quality of Life, Self Realization and in the final stage Merger with Divinity or Infinity. While gradually passing through these four stages ,man begins to see everything from hitherto unknown perspective and brighter shades and before parting with his mortal frame attains
Immortality. Certain schools prescribe renunciation of the physical world as a pre-condition for going through the process of Self Realization and Merger with Divinity or Infinity but I have tried to take the untrodden path of BHOG (the genuine gratification of the senses and sense organs) and to my surprise and good luck have not found any hurdles or contradictions in way to my destination, though I don't claim that I have attained what others attained through renunciation. In fact, for me there is no way to compare my destination with the destination of others. What I can simply say with my own authority is that I cannot see anything beyond where I am standing now and I would not mind walking more if I see another horizon.

To be continued........