Thursday, 31 July 2014

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction ( Part III )

For continuity read Parts I & II

When talking about the ultimate truth we can't afford to miss three terms in particular: God, Divinity and Infinity.let us first look at the term infinity. In simple language it means: endless, without beginning, without end. But to a mathematician it means a lot more and he fails to apply his regular calculations and formulas to the concept of infinity. For example you cannot add anything to infinity and you cannot deduct anything from It. Similarly you cannot divide or multiply infinity to any number. In all these cases the result will invariably be infinity. Man cannot imagine the application of the concept of infinity to any other field other than the universe or at the most imaginary concept of counting from 1 to infinity, which too practically is an impossibility. Not only that, the mathematicians have hit upon another corollary I.e. the fractional numbers between any two whole numbers ,let us say 2 and 3,is also infinite. In the domain of infinity a curve no longer remains a curve and it coincides with a straight line, which again does not appeal to the human mind that cannot fully comprehend the concept of infinity. All calculations involving infinity are beyond the scope of man. We may tell, to some extent, the shape size and weight of some heavenly bodies but no scientist can tell the number of these heavenly bodies. Nobody knows whether the dome that encompasses the infinite heavenly bodies is round , square, rectangular, cubicle or anything other than all this. These facts alone are enough to show the helplessness of all scientists and knowledgeable persons of the world. So the poor fellows leave answers to such questions to be handled by some super power, which man calls Almighty or God.

Each one us is an integral and inseparable part of the Divinity/Infinity. We don't have any separate existence. In fact separated from our root we can't exist all. Because of our ignorance of the inner world each one of us some times gets the wrong impression of being a separate entity, but it is not so. The realization of this relationship of the individual with Divinity/Infinity is the end of our search for self and God.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction: Part II

For continuity read blog July 30,2014, The Ultimate Truth: Facts & Fiction Part I
It is interesting to imagine what the world was like when man was in the earliest stage of evolution. He was like any other animal fighting for his survival on a level ground but after the evolution he has come to occupy an exclusive and higher pedestal in Animal Kingdom as a Thinking and Social Animal. This thinking of man has bifurcated his existence into two aspects: physical and metaphysical, and has opened up new vistas of living at a higher plane not accessible to other animals for the time being.
As of today existence in this universe from the view point of man has two sides: Internal or Inner and External or Outer.
Further the external existence manifests itself in the physical world and the internal or inner existence is metaphysical or abstract. Apparently these two terms appear to be quite apart but closer examination shows that there is a very thin line separating the two.This is mainly because of the universal law of antithesis.
According to the law of antithesis, nothing can exist in isolation, existence needs to be supported by something antithetical: heat-cold, light-darkness,truth-falsehood, love-hate and so on, non of these pairs can exist separated from the other. Thus physical and metaphysical are also inseparable and always co-exist.
Exploration of the inner world with the help of consciousness and awareness assisted by mindprovides various visions and insights of the vast physical universe and its functioning, which are well nigh impossible to comprehend with the help of intelligence, logic and reasoning. At the ultimate level of understanding the universe most tools  available to man such as intelligence and logic fail and he has to depend on Divine or Godly intervention, hence the need for unknown and invisible power that has been named God by man. In this sense man is the creator of God:
GOD is not the Creator of man
It is the other way round
Man has created GOD
To serve his selfish ends

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction ( Part I )

I share with my fellow travelers the perceptions, insights,visions ,hallucinations, findings, discoveries,facts and fiction experienced during my meditational jaunts.

The statements made in the forthcoming series under the collective title "The Ultimate Truth: Facts &  Fiction" are not claimed to be correct, authentic or supported by any religious scriptures.These can at best be called the personal fancies of a seeker after truth about the reality of the universe without any religious intentions.

The purpose of recording the statements is the research to be based on similarities of the experiences of the other like-minded individuals, who are hereby requested to send their feedback either in the comments section or through private messages.

The similarity of certain statements with other earlier recorded documents on various aspects are purely coincidental or the result of my absorption what I have read or heard so far and I express my gratitude to the original exponents for that.

For continuity kindly read my blog dated July 22, 2014' titled " The Ultimate Truth ( Foreword )

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction
Part I

The ultimate truth about this universe is that it is packed to the capacity. Nothing ,can be added to it and nothing can be taken out of it. It is infinite, it has no beginning and no end. Except this phenomenon of universe man can not imagine anything without beginning or end and he knows no reason how and why this universe can be beginningless and endless.It is fully insulated from any outside influences or intrusions Every movement in it is highly disciplined and regulated. In fact there is nothing outside it..Nothing new comes up here except change ,transmutation and transformation of that is already there. There is no BIRTH and no DEATH in this universe, only change of material shapes and forms and different permutations and combinations of non-material aspects, such as, soul, consciousness, brain, mind, memory, ego, intellect, etc. Thus the law of change and transformation applies to every aspect - abstract and concrete.. No new thoughts, ideas or philosophies. Everything has always been there and will be there.These basic characteristics of the universe are beyond human mind, intelligence or logicThis fact has already been accepted by the scientists in the principle that nothing can be created and nothing can be destroyed. In the absence of answers related to these mysteries of the universe GOD comes in handy to be the cause of all that cannot be understood or explained by the human mind. According to the law of antithesis nothing can exist in isolation without its antithetical aspect, not even GOD, so there is DEVIL to authenticate the existence of GOD.That way I am not presenting any new idea, what I am trying to do is to explore the implications of some unexplainable and enigmatic divine facts and that too from my own view point.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Who Needs God?

Who needs God?

A vast majority of the seven billion population of the world does not know what/who God is, where He lives ,what His relationship with the world is, particularly human beings, what  He expects from human beings, etc. Their sole objective is existence or survival. They remain so much occupied with the provision of food, shelter and other wherewithal for themselves and for those dependent on them that they are left with neither time nor energy to think beyond the sustenance of their bodies or so to say beyond keeping their bodies and souls together.

The religious leadership in the areas falling within their respective jurisdiction feeds the people around them about various myths about the universe, its creation by God and His ultimate authority to control and manage whatever is happening in this universe. The poor masses have no choice but to believe what they have been told. They are calculatively turned into fatalists i.e believers in fate so that they blame fate, chance or God for the misfortunes befalling them and not the actual culprits who have devised social, political and religious systems to cater to their selfish ulterior motives and deprive the masses of their legitimate due. They don't have time ,resources and capabilities of probing into information that has been passed on to them by the vested interests.

 It is the common interest of the religious leaders, political bigwigs and the rich people to keep the masses at the minimum survival level so that the natural resources and the secondary production resulting from these resources is hoarded, controlled and used lavishly by the chosen privileged few.It is the upper creamy layer from different sections of society that gets time to think beyond the existential level and toy with the luxurious i ideas of God, Soul, Consciousness, Spirituality, etc. The common masses are in the grip of GHOSTS of hunger, poverty and disease, and there is no God for them. It is the common interest of the upper few to keep the starving billions desensitized in a state of dizziness and helplessness. This upper creamy layer needs and seeks God through the middle class to save them from the wrath of masses, which when erupts will not be controlled by even God, whom they are so sure and proud of. The middle class is caught precariously between the poor and the privileged, who because of the existential dilemma have lost their sanity and power of independent thinking/ introspection.

In fact only middle class needs GOD, neither the privileged nor the poor.

Sunday, 27 July 2014


You are misfit in society: view the slideshow by clicking the following link.

Pooja Room ( Part III ) - Conclusion

Pooja Room (Part (III)  Conclusion . For continuity read Parts I and II

( Regular readers are requested to send feedback and suggestions so that the quality of the content may be brought up to their expectations)

We shall separately study the significance and interpretation of the dreams, our concern for the time being is the cleansing of the mind and reorganizing it for meditation leading to self realization and God realization. It is said that diamond cuts diamond. The same principle is applicable to the mind, it requires a kind of self cleansing. One very effective and long lasting method is self analysis including
dream analysis and gradually increasing the level of consciousness and awareness.

We all dream and pass off this activity of our life as "nothing important" and forget that these dreams are the pointers to our present state of affairs and also a foreboding of the coming troubles. Let us first of all try to understand what a dream is. A dream is an enactment of some probable event or incident likely to happen on the basis of information and data available in the store house of mind. Secondly, these dreams enact the fulfillment of certain unfulfilled desires.A hungry man dreams of foods,feasts and delicacies. The romantic dreams of the youth is a very common phenomenon. Dreams are no doubt the creation of our mind when we are in a state of semi sleep. We don't dream when fast asleep. Dreamless sound sleep is a sign of healthy body and healthy mind. Dreams tell us about the content in mind and it's nature. We can call dreams advance home work done by the mind or its preparedness before some difficult to handle situation arises.

Our mind is always processing the data and information stored in it. It tries to draw conclusions about forthcoming events and happenings on the basis of information stored in our unconscious, sub conscious and conscious mind. Various possibilities and probabilities of our present state of affairs and forthcoming events manifest themselves in dreams. Needless to say that dream analysis can provide answers to our numerous questions/riddles and save us from forthcoming dangers.
For the time being it is more than enough to understand that excessive dreams are an indication of the chaos in mind, and the illogical sequences and complexities of the dreams tell about the seriousness and intensity of the problem. Meditation, self realization or God realization under such conditions is not possible.
 The content of the blog has exceeded far beyond what I originally planned. Before the readers become weary I would like to wind it up by briefly suggesting that cleansing of the mind is possible through self analysis, increased level of consciousness and awareness, thorough probing of the subconscious mind, dream analysis and interpretations, preparing a written list of the thoughts stuck in the mind and effort to prioritize and organize them. Detailed discussion about these processes will be taken up later.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Pooja Room ( Part II )

 For continuity please read Pooja Room Part I ) cience-of-spirituality
Among various methods of cleaning, tidying and organizing the mind, the Pooja Room, is bydream analysis. The nature of dreams indicates the amount of junk and  garbage piled up in the mind and their analysis helps in discarding this junk by and by.There are numerous kinds of dreams but we can divide them into three broad categories:
(I) The dreams which you see while sleeping.
(II ) Day dreams, the dreams which you see while awake but transported to some other world. Technically you are awake with your eyes open but you are not present in the world around you.
(III) Life long dream when you are in deep slumber from your birth till death.
To begin with we take up the first category which is accepted by most people to fall within the purview of a dream as such.  When I use the plural of dream in the forthcoming discussion, it will not include the second and third category unless specifically stated. The other two categories will each need independent consideration.
Dreams are nature's device or mechanism to maintain the equilibrium of mind and to save it from explosion. In most of the cases mind is so much full of information, data, thoughts, emotions,memories,ideas ,proposals,plans,decisions and a lot more that it is at the point of break down and it cannot perform even its day to day 
minimum functions. This is the stage of a man  gone haywire. This situation can also be termed as nervous break down or neurosis. Such an extreme situation is a serious cause for concern and needs to be handled by specialists in psycho analysis or professional Counsellors . Unfortunately in such cases people take the help of psychiatrists who rather than providing any relief compound the gravity of the sufferer by prescribing tranquilizers and intoxicants. This situation of the mind can be illustrated with the analogy of your over burden of work to such an extent that your physical efficiency is drastically reduced, some times to the level of zero or minus, when you break down completely and fall sick reducing your output of the pending work to nil. Counseling from practicing psychologists, spiritual practices and religious rituals are more effective and useful in such extreme cases than the treatment by psychiatrists.
Since the mind is not capable of handling the work assigned to it , it begins to process the data at night or any other time when you are half asleep. In fact, in such a situation it is almost impossible to have soothing sound sleep. The sound sleep comes to you in fits and starts broken every now and then by the restlessness of the mind weaving the web of dreams as a solution to various riddles on the basis of trial and error and different permutations and combinations. The result is highly complicated and complex dreams which have no sequence, cause and effect or any other logical unity. What these dreams mean and what they portend is a subject of separate study but the presence of such like dreams gives indication of a mind full of junk that needs to be discarded.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Pooja Room ( Part I )

The mind is your Pooja Room for meditationSelf realization and god realization. Before inviting God to this place it needs to be thoroughly explored and cleaned. No negative or Devilish thoughts should be hiding anywhere.Everything  residing in any nook or corner of this place has to be shaken and checked to confirm that it should not be self and God repellent. All the dust and cobwebs have to be removed completely to make this place a sacred altar of God. Once it is done you are ready to receive your Honored Guest.
Human mind has numerous layers or compartments to store information, knowledge and incidents that happen in life. These layers of the mind have been divided into three broad categories: unconscious, sub-conscious and conscious. The functioning of the mind and its decisions depend on the information and data stored in mind. Our physical health is a function of the mind to a very great extent. Various physical ailments and disorders are psychosomatic and can be cured by examination of the mind and removing the aberrations from it that result into physical disorders. Unfortunately most of the information and data stored in the mind is negative, unwanted,undesirable and trash. With the passage of time this garbage shifts to the sub conscious level of mind and continues to play mischief from there. So far as the information and data stored in the unconscious mind is concerned, an individual cannot do much about it. This information and data come from the experiences of the previous births or from the genes. The cleansing of the unconscious mind can be done by the specialists only.
However the trash and impurities from the sub conscious and conscious compartments of mind can be easily removed with increased awareness , will power and determination of the individual. In case of necessity outside help can be taken from friends and relatives.  More than 90 percent of the garbage and debris leaves your mind when you shake and shuffle in the presence good and nice people around you.That is why the need for  SATSANG, the company of nice band divine souls,and not just a religious congregation . One method to remove the trash from mind is Self. Analysis and the other methods are meditation,DHAYAN Sadhna, Naam Jap ( the repetition of the name of god or goddess of your choice) and listening to devotional music. The entire process is the collective job of Head and Heart.
( The information provided here is sketchy and brief to draw the attention of the readers to this important aspect of an individual's preparedness for self and God realization )

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Check List of MUKTI

I joined Speaking Tree Community with the idea of making search and research in the field of religious philosophy , spirituality , enlightenment and metaphysics.I wanted to confirm and authenticate some of my findings based on my meditation and inner journey. One of my personal convictions is that it is the same scene ,same light inside every body, a Grihasthi or a Sanyasi..,the Guru and the Shishya. This conviction has been confirmed to a very great extent after reading the experiences and ANUBHUTIES of a large number of seekers of the ST. The paths and roads could be different but the ultimate destination of every body is the same. The other difference of various seekers is because of their language and personal way of expression.In spite of attaining the highest point, at least theoretically , most of the seekers are in doubt whether they have reached the right destination or not. There is no way to ascertain it except through interaction with the fellow travelers. The professional mercenary self styled religious leaders will always evaluate you in poor light and discourage you. They can't tolerate a man being worldly wise and evolved at the same time. That is why the need of SATSANG ( the company of like-minded fellow travelers ) to remain on the right path without any chance of going astray The other thing to be seen is whether you have just gained knowledge of the other inner world by visiting it now and then in  DHAYAN and Meditation  or you have started living in that world of self realization and God realization. Those who have chosen to live in that world have certainly attained MUKTI , and freedom from the cycle of birth and death, whether they have any knowledge of this fact or not. The check list of MUKTI is : reduced interest in personal belongings,wealth and property, distancing from family, close relatives and friends, love and concern for the whole mankind,animals and vegetation , soothing feelings and divine pleasure in solitude,reduced requirement of food, personal clothing and comforts,the end of chaos in mind, increased mental and physical potential, freedom ( partial or complete) from various chronic ailments and diseases, regulated and reduced beating of the heart, rhythmic flow of inlet and outlet of the breath. All these changes are inside you purely personal, there is no need to renounce your family, wealth , property and the world. The requirement is of detached attitude towards all these physical entities and your readiness to leave it ungrudgingly as and when time comes.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Oneness of God & I

As long as the soul is confined to your body
And you identify yourself in body
You are mortal like a bubble or wave
On the surface of Ocean,

As soon as your body
Gets immersed in the soul
You become immortal
Like the Ocean
ATMA is not different from PARMATMA
Nor is it a part of the WHOLE
Both are one and the same element
Each nonexistent alone.

Remember, if you can't do without God
God can't do without you
He needs you as much as
You need HIM.

The relationship between man and God
is a pact of mutual interest
If man keeps God alive in himself
God won't allow any harm to man.

All religions admit
That God was alone in the beginning
If He wanted to hurt or harm man
Why should HE have crated him at all?

God is not responsible for the hurts and harms
That come to man
In fact he invites trouble for himself
In experimenting the deviation from the assigned path.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Every Indian knows well about five VIKARS or vices: KAAM, KRODH, LOBH, MOH and AHANKAR that according to Religious and Spiritual Teachers are deterrents to the attainment of MUKTI (salvation) or higher level of spiritual living. Many consider them necessary evils difficult to get rid of and willy-nilly accept them as way of life and some carry along with them a feeling of guilt. The number of corresponding vices according to Christianity is seven and these are termed as seven DEADLY SINS. Four are common - KAAM (Lust), KRODH (Wrath), LOBH(Greed),AHANKAR (Pride), there is no vice corresponding to MOH, and the additional three according to Christianity are: Sloth, Envy and Gluttony. I have never been able to fully accept or reject this viewpoint. For me the presence of these so called vices in moderation has never been a matter of concern or a deterrent to higher or spiritual level ,of living. The excess of any one or more in combination is highly damaging to the mind and body. The maximum apprehensions to the people are about the most haunting vice KAAM. After long deliberations with myself what I have been able to conclude, I would like to share with others. KAAM in Hindi is usually taken to mean as Sambhog (sexual intercourse) or more so as KAAMNA (desire). The English word LUST has the same connotations. Well sex as an procreative activity is inbuilt in human body, it cannot be and should not be banished from the body.In ancient times all the RISHIS and MUNIS indulged in this activity and never spoke against it.So SAMBHOG as a bodily function for procreation (not for pleasure) is essential and cannot be termed as VIKAR, vice or sin.It is basically an animal instinctive urge to survive and is pure and sacred.However, when sexual activity becomes a FUNCTION OF THE MIND,and begins to live in mind overwhelmingly it becomes Lust and is certainly a barrier to the spiritual and higher level of living.Not only that , it becomes a cause of numerous sex related crimes,aberrations and perversions.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The Ultimate Truth: God vs Devil -Part III
Facts & Fiction

The erosion of divine values love, brotherhood,caring and sharing has weakened God's camp of human beings which is attributed to the cyclical turn of events named KALIYUGA. Taking advantage of this weakened aspect Devil has sown the seeds of selfishness,hatred, greed and hostility among the shaken and stiffened followers of God, which means gradually weaning them away from God and swelling the ranks of Devil. As a result , otherwise hidden Devilish designs are coming to the fore and are causing conflicts, hatred and violence. Devil has his own share in the natural phenomenon of day and night and dwelling places of the human beings. Broadly speaking the day belongs to God and the night belongs to Devil. There are overlapping periods of dawn and dusk. Dawn predominantly belongs to God and the dusk to Devil. Similarly more than temples , and other places of worship, Devil has the sway at pubs, discotheques, harlot homes and star hotels, which are far more glamorous and gorgeous than temples.In bungalows of the rich God and Devil have their separately and specially earmarked places : temple room and bar room. As the sun moves towards west heralding the onset of dusk , the haunts of Devil : pubs, discos, bars , massage centers , dancing halls ,harlot homes become alive and abuzz with life and the priests begin to lull the gods to sleep for the night rest so that the Devil may have his full sway at night providing favorable opportunities to the rapists, burglars , thieves and scoundrels of all shades and hues. By and large all these activities of tribute to God and Devil go on smoothly except sporadic incidents of clash of interests now and then. No wonder, worshippers of God are often found among followers of Devil in night revelries and the followers of Devil pay courtesy calls at temples and other places of worship, and even publicly announce huge donations. In such an atmosphere of cordiality between God and Devil only a few extremists on both the sides make a worthless hue and cry.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The Ultimate Truth:God vs Devil (Part II)
Facts & Fiction

In order to avoid any entanglements and controversies  with representatives of  various sectarian religions I avoid any reference to the religious scriptures  or different gods and deities mentioned in these scriptures, yet everybody knows it well that the comparative study of various major religions of the world shows that human AVATARS ( manifest gods ,deities or incarnates) representing different religions of the world had a tough time fighting the demons, the hierarchical juniors of Devil on this earth. The fight of the AVATARS with the demons was neck to neck and the defeat  of the Devil has been only temporary, and no AVATAR has been successful in eradicating the evil influence of the Devil from earth for good. If that is the history of battles between God and Devil or for that purpose their followers on earth so far, is it not better to work out a reasonable compromise? The other amusing and interesting fact is that the problem of God vs Devil is there only on earth, which is just a very insignificant and infinitesimal part of the whole universe. Clearly, the problem is not between God and Devil, it is between man and man. Unfortunately man is not satisfied with his smooth life and comfortable position as man only, he aspires for a closer and higher position, either with God or with Devil, and this diseased psychology of man is responsible for all the evils, turmoils and violence, The ambitious men get aligned either with God or with Devil, without their consent, and rage a war of sorts among themselves putting the peace and security of the whole human race at risk.There will be perfect peace on earth when man learns to live as man. This subject has vast day to day ramifications, therefore it will be dealt with,in detail, separately.