Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Autonomous Man/ Oneupmanship

God makes every human being in His own image. Before sending him on a sojourn to the world He gives him lessons in autonomy.He tells every human being the same thing " you are completely autonomous and independent, you are more intelligent than any other your co-fellows on earth. I have no dealerships or agents on earth to negotiate on my behalf In case of necessity or need you can  have direct contact with me."

In fact God is a very astute Administrator. He has asked every human being to contact him directly but he has managed such a show that nobody disturbs Him. He has populated the earth with human beings who are more or less similar in every way except one thing that each one considers himself or herself superior to others on account of one special favor from God that he is more intelligent than all other fellows on the earth.If that were  not the case this world would have been a very dull and passive  place to live, each one living in his own shell thinking that all are similar so the other is of no use or help for him.  The entire game of worldly actions, interactions, contradictions and conflicts originates from this fallacy that each is more intelligent than the other. Since every one considers this favor to be exclusive, secret and special one from God, meant for himself only,  so every body hesitates to make it public for the fear of retribution from God for breach of confidence and giving out His secret.

The result of all this is chaos in the world. Everybody is busy proving his superiority over others without openly declaring it. Each one is using his own modus operandi , subtle plans and designs to prove his point but without any success. It is a riddle that can never be solved. Till it is done no body considers it necessary to contact God directly to ascertain the veracity of fact . Every one considers it much better to live in such a sweet illusion than to face the harsh truth of equality and similarity of all. God in His Abode is enjoying the fun that is going on in this world regarding Oneupmanship.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Universality in Hinduism

Belief in the existence of manifest or unmanifest God.

No dispute regarding God's name, with unlimited choice

Freedom to every individual to worship God in his own way.

God is the Creator of this universe and everything contained in it.

God is the only actor or doer in this world. All creatures are the puppets manipulated by the strings held by God.

Human beings have very limited free will to act of their own. It can be compared to the free will of a person who is on board a ship. The passenger can make limited movement in the ship in different directions but his ultimate  direction and destination is fixed and will be determined by the course taken by the ship.

The blows of fate, chance and circumstances are happily borne as the will of God.

God  is credited for all that is good in the world . The sorrows, sufferings and grief are accepted as genuine and deserved punishment for the intentional or unintentional wrong doings. Natural calamities are interpreted to be the punishment for the collective wrong doings of the society.

All that God is doing is right and is unquestionable.


One creed: Universal Theism.

Full freedom of thought to Atheists and Agnostics.

Equality irrespective of caste, color or race.

 Love for fellow beings and all creatures including vegetation and nature.

Tolerance to accommodate divergent views and difference of opinion

No cheating , stealing, encroachments.

Limit on personal possessions. ( recommended )

Social support for the helpless and needy.

Assured subsistence for all.

Full respect and protection of individuality but not at the cost of others.

SIXTIFICATION ( Healthy Entertainment ) Part II

For continuity read the earlier part posted today:

There was no way to regain my lost prestige and position at home from my children and wife. Interestingly , as a case of high discrimination, or perhaps well considered strategy, the lady of the house is usually kept out of this badge of humiliating sixtification It is perhaps because of the fact that usually ladies have a low voice say in the major decisions relating to home particularly if the issue involves money matters. The newfound position of the mother with full support from her children proves highly flattering and welcome to her , seeing in it an opportunity to settle the old scores with her husband. The children use her as a trump card to beat the father without taking any direct responsibility of affront . I was feeling ill at ease. My home was no longer mine, the inmates seemed to have become strangers to me. I was tactfully kept out from all kinds of discussion relating to family decision making. If some times I happened to drop in during family discussion, there used to spread a pall of silence at my sight, or there used to be a clever and cunning twist to the topic of discussion.i scrupulously avoided intervening in family discussions in my own interest but if some times my lips tried to part compulsively to say something, immediately would come a retort from my wife , "Tusi chip raho  ji", even before I could utter the first syllable of my piece. All of a sudden I had become absolutely worthless discarded piece of antiquity. 

Remaining in a state of bewilderment for a long time I started thinking of ways and means to come out of this predicament. There seemed only one solution , I should do up to shed off some of my years by going in for facial uplift , dying of hair and ordering trendy youthful dresses. It would mean breaking my resolve to stay simple and natural in old age, but there was no other 
option. This way also I would not be able to gain an inch at home, at least I would be able to 
dodge the outsiders, who know nothing about my age. Now I could also understand why people 
spent so much time and money to look younger than their years. Who wants to bear the badge of SIXTIFCATION ?

To be continued.........

Thursday, 21 August 2014

SIXTIFICATION ( Healthy Entertainment ) Part I

When for the first time you hear from your child in any context or reference , " Daddy, you don't know anything."  it is time to stop ,ponder , and check up your date and year of birth to make sure whether you have sixtyfied, yes this word may also be new for you, actually it is , it is just now coined by me as near equivalent translation of the vernacular word SATHIA JANA I.e. to behave like an imbecile or insane person in his sixties, whose sense of discretion and judgment has been affected by age. That seems to be precisely the reason why in most Government jobs  the retirement age was fixed at 55/58 years, much before a person got sixtyfied. 

It was a common feature in the earlier times to give wrong date and year of birth, exceeded  by a few years, at the time of entry into Govt. Service , to take advantage of prolonged service and postponement of retirement . The Govt. Knew this fact. Therefore, there used to be appraisal at the age of 55 to check whether the man has sixtyfied or is closer to it. Extension beyond 55 years upto 58 was granted after making sure that the man is of sound mental health. Recently, because of increase in the average longevity, some Governments and Departments have raised the retirement age to comparatively safe limit of 60 years.

I am sharing my experiences of sixtification for the guidance and benefit of those who are about to enter this phase or have recently entered.When I realized that I have been discovered at home, I decided to reduce my interaction with the members of my family to save myself from the frequent rebuffs from those whom I had ruled and dominated for such a long time. There was no way a compromise at home except withdrawal from the scene. I tolerated this position for some time but after that I started feeling suffocated . I was in the habit of intervening in every matter relating to my home , not only that , I saw to it that my suggestion or advice was unflinchingly honored. Now the tables had been turned against me.

To be continued........

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


I am mad

I am mad in the sense that I do not conform to the standards laid down by society and sectarian religion

I have never followed blindly the path shown by others. I prefer to choose untrodden path

I have always remained nonjudgmental about God and religion

I am not aligned to any sectarian religion

I am very protective and possessive about my madness, though I am willing to share it with ardent seekers. But I am not eager to set up a cult for the expansion and spread of my madness.

I see to it that my madness does not give any mental or physical pain to others. I don't throw stones at others literally and figuratively.

I don't cause any harm or pain to anybody through my words, thoughts and actions. However,I can't help if others suffer because of my inaction and silence.

I don't pay attention to what others say about me. I gladly accept their judgment about me and never contradict anybody or offer arguments or self defense to prove what I am or what I am not.

I know people around me consider me mad and some even condescend to tell me so with a view to helping me. I accept their verdict with courtesy and bow with a sense of gratitude and appreciation .

In my madness :

I consider myself to be the happiest person ever born on this earth.
Up to the age of 70 I have not known any mental or physical suffering. In future also I don't predict anything wrong.

I am most prosperous and richest person living at present. Non of my desires have ever gone unfulfilled.

I don't mind sharing the secret of my madness so that others may take precautions to keep away from the disease I am suffering from.


I am passionately in love with my madness.

Shree Guru Granth Sahib

Being enlightened, self realized, soul realized or God realized is not such a great thing as it is made out to be by certain  professional, mercenary (money-minded ) ,sectarian religious fake GURUS, who claim that such a state is impossible to be attained without the help or grace of GURU, indirectly meaning without their help and that too FOR A PRICE.The attainment of God realization does not confer any special status on a human being either to be worshipped or to be a lord over others. The fakes exploit to their best advantage the praises showered on GURU in our ancient scriptures. . That was, no doubt, true for the illiterate, uneducated society of the ancient times when education and knowledge were  the  monopoly of a few persons, particularly Sanskrit knowing Pandits, who alone had the capability and authority to interpret scriptures for the illiterate masses who could neither read nor did they have access to scriptures, which were hand written and rare.in fact, GURU need not be a living person , the knowledge and philosophy left behind by certain evolved persons , saints and ascetics can stand for a GURU with equal strength .Shree Guru Granth Sahib , the holy scripture written and compiled by the Ten Sikh Gurus, is the most prominent example of this fact. The Holy Scripture is a Living Guru for a Sikh.

The importance of physical GURU can't be discounted or underestimated even today for the common masses but GURU certainly is not indispensable for the self- initiated, educated seekers who choose to go on their own way with the help of knowledge freely available in easy to understand translations and explanations.  The fake GURUS are clever enough to warn their followers against the designs of  of this intelligent , educated class who are likely to wean away their followers, who are a permanent supply line for their monetary and material needs.

Most of the  GURUS today are whole sale dealers in Divinity and God competing fiercely with their rivals for grabbing their own share of the flourishing and teeming market. They move from place to place (read door-to-door) to sell their products and to manage money and other material resources for the upkeep of their Five Star  Ashrams, at the same time cursing the Grihasthies for their simple, innocent moderate permissible pleasures as sins or VIKARS that will open the doors of Hell for them after their death and convince them to BUY MUKTI in advance from their stocks. May GOD, if HE is around, save these innocent victims.

I bow down in deep respect to those few Genuine GURUS who are maintaining the highest traditions and norms on which the reverence of ancient Guru-shishya tradition was based but unfortunately their number is far too small and they seem to be obscured and lost in the crowd of fakes.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

A B C D ( America Born Confused Desi )

The grown up children of the Indian couples living in America are labeled as A B C D 
( America Born Confused Desi ). The reason being that the poor fellows are badly 
torn between Indian and American cultures and ways of living. Most of these 
children have either never visited India or they have occasionally come for short 
visits along with their parents to have a superficial knowledge of the country of their 
parents' origin and usually they depart from here with a strong feeling of dislike 
and disgust because of over all unhygienic conditions and traffic snarls and chaos 
on the roads. Thus they nurture a strong feeling of dislike and hatred for India, which 
is often fueled by the parents themselves, most of whom had a humble family 
background in India and had migrated to that prosperous country looking for 
greener pastures . The parents themselves fail to come completely to terms with 
 the the local culture and ways of living. However, they are clever enough to choose 
the best for themselves from America, some times stealthily from their children and 
spouses.Family level cross racial get togethers between Indians and local 
Americans are few and far between. The children, however, get ample exposure of 
the American culture and way of life. The family level get togethers of the Indians   
are limited to groups of 10 to 20 families on the occasions of anniversaries and birth 
day parties. Thus the children grow up in a conflicting bisected culture and social 
atmosphere. In other words they spend their lives up to teens in two segregated 
air tight cultures. And when on their entry into teens, they are supposed to take 
certain Independent decisions, they find themselves in a quandary. The decisions 
and choices that come naturally to the local teenagers independently remain illusive 
to the ABCD. The matter is further complicated beyond resolve when in a country of equality
 of genders the parents present themselves in two different masks before the male and
female children.

The Reality of MAYA

From the view point of perceptions  each individual is unique, in all aspects such as, 

physical, mental, social, emotional , intellectual, behavioral, sensual. This is 

something strange that no two individuals can ever experience exactly the same 

thing with their sense organs. All our sense organs are attuned in such a manner 

that the characteristics and frequencies of no two individuals can ever be the same 

except in certain exceptional and accidental cases. Not only that, the fine tuning of 

every individual keeps on changing from moment to moment or from day to day. For 

the purpose of understanding we can take the example of one particular sense 

organ, eyes. Let us suppose that the physical reality of a physical object remains 

the same for a day ( This too is a false assumption for the purpose of explaining, 

because the inert physical objects are also subject to constant change every 

moment.) The visual images formed of the given physical object in the inner screen 

of the mind will be different in all the individuals. Not only that , the images formed 

of the same physical object in the case of a single viewer will be different on 

different moments or on different days.  This characteristic of the physical reality is 

called FLUX in English language. It means that physical reality of the world is not 

the same any two successive moments. It is from this view point that the physical 

world is referred to as MAYA because it is so slippery and illusive that it cannot be 

captured under any circumstances. However, this characteristic of the physical 

world does not make it unreal as some people call it. It is a reality, though of a 

different kind, I.e. Of constant change. Change itself is a reality, rather a reality of all 

the realities.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Spirituality to Enlightenment

Enlightenment is a super conscious divine state of mind with a clear vision of

dichotomy of body and ATMA (SELF) free from materialistic cobwebs,worldly

possessions and attachments. It is considered to be the rarest of the rare

achievement. But it is no achievement. It is everybody's natural possession. It is not

something that comes from outside. It is an integral part of the self. But somehow

this SELF gets occluded during the journey through this universe. and the result is

that one goes astray.The two guides and path finders of the JEEVATMA ,

intelligence and logic not only prove helpless but also further complicate the issue ,

which is worsened by numerous shades of emotions. resulting in misplacement and

mis-identification of the SELF. In other words we can say that ATMA(SELF) , the

inseparable and and intrinsic component of JEEVATMA is submerged by the

overwhelming thought of JEEV (BODY} consciousness only and one continues to

move incognito in this world.This state can be called slumber or ignorance that can

and does last life- time in most cases.The life of such a person can be compared to

the act of sleep walking and the sleep walker never knows what he is doing. The

awakening from this slumber is called enlightenment.

As one wakes up from the long slumber of ignorance a great dazzling light appears

inside the mind and this light changes both the inner and outer perspectives.The

dust and dirt is wiped off and everything begins to show itself in its true colors.Self

versus Physical world and human relationships acquire a new dimension of

detachment. This detach...ment does not mean any renunciation or giving up

anything or any relationships. Outwardly everything remains the same The change

takes place inside in attitude and outlook only. Suddenly a feeling of great calm and

equanimity descends inside.Mind loses its flirtation and restlessness. This

detachment surprisingly increases manifold the concern for physical world and the

persons around . All kinds of negatives: worry, anxiety, fear, sense of loss etc.

disappear from the mind. Death loses is sting and separations don't trouble or

bother.Loneliness and solitude become soothing. Psychosomatic manifestations of

physical ailments begin to recede. Most of the desires vanish and those that remain

are docile. Stream of consciousness or internal thought traffic no longer remains

chaotic, is drastically reduced and gets controlled ,disciplined and organized. The

discovery of the misplaced SELF brings a great sense of relief. Physical and mental

potentials rise to their maximum. The transformation is so great that it cannot be put

into words. It is by all means a new birth of the SELF and a fresh beginning of

pilgrimage in this universe.The real picture can be obtained only through experience


Sunday, 17 August 2014

Myths about Spirituality

The path of ADHYATAM or Spirituality is considered by the young generation some 

sort of religious gimmick and the fad of old people.. Nothing could be far from truth 

than this notion.First of all it is important to note that spirituality has nothing to do 

with any sectarian religion. It is highly scientific and universal in nature. Secondly it 

is not at all hostile to materialism and physicality (ramifications of the human body). 

Whatever difference we find in a realized spiritual person from an ordinary person is 

the by-product of spiritual attainment or enlightenment. If a spiritual person changes 

his outlook towards materialism and physicality it is because of deeper 

understanding of the divine and universal facts and the futility of ordinary worldly 

activities and not because of any dictates of spirituality. An enlightened person has 

the choice to live like any other non-spiritual family person with a much better 

quality of life because of clear vision and highly enhanced physical and mental 

potential.The earlier a person understands this thing, the better.. Spirituality is also 

not a male domain as it was considered by some before the entry of certain female 

protagonists in this field who took courage to break the hegemony of male 

dominance. Anandmurti Gurumaa, Ritambra Didimaa, Brahmkumari Shivani and 

numerous others are living examples of this new genderless horizon of spirituality.

Spirituality, materialism and physicality(ramifications of the human body) are neither 

at variance nor in conflict with one another. There is no need to renounce one in 

order to follow the other. There is nothing wrong in following the path of 

renunciation of worldly possessions in order to follow the path of spirituality by 

certain ascetics but it is not a pre-condition to tread on the path of spirituality. 

Similarly, deprivation of bodily needs is also not a pre-requisite. Too much is made 

out of the negative influences of KAAM (Lechery), KRODH (Anger), LOBH (Greed), 

MOH (Obsessive attachment) and AHANKAR (Pride) as deterrents to the attainment 

of highest spiritual state i.e. MUKTI or salvation.All these traits can stay in 

moderation in a human being without causing any hindrance in his way to 

attainment of higher level of living. The ultimate destination of spirituality is just a 

mental state of equanimity that transcends all material possessions and bodily 

deprivations and creates in the achiever what in Hindi is called Sam Bhaav 

(Equanimity).. At this stage nothing shakes the achiever and no happening of the 

world, howsoever bad ,sad or shocking from the viewpoint of ordinary mortals, can 

raise even a ripple in his mind. Now it is his choice he can stay in this regime as 

long as he wants or he can join back his routine worldly duties.He may be the same 

person for people around him but he alone knows what he has become with his 

physical and mental potential much higher than others. Most of the Indians have 

often heard such things, they themselves know these well and can teach them to 

others but there are very few who can live them. Living is that matters.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Culmination of Spiritual Meditation

The ultimate stage of ANUBHUTI of a spiritual meditator is something like the description given below. It has been deducted from the shared experience of a few seekers. It is the approximation of each and by no means an exact description. Individual ANUBHUTIES are subject to variation some times no two ANUBHUTIES may share any similarities, but it does not in any way reflect thesuccess of one and the failure of the other:
"I am soul, a vast snowy white never ending expanse without beginning or end, I am neither lightnor darkness, I am neither physical nor metaphysical, I am neither ignorance nor knowledge, I am neither living nor non- living, I am in fact nothing to be encompassed in words, language is being used to negate what I am not, in order to reach  " I ", I keep on filling in the blank ( I am not...........) ad infinitum or till I am exhausted of the last word and in that case NOT drops and I emerge as I AM, in the mean time if any new word(s) comes my way I start the game process again to reach the the same old conclusion I AM, the game continues in circuitry and ends only when I AM also evaporates into NOTHINGNESS or what the scientists call today GOD PARTICLE.It is vast, infinite expanse of snowy whiteness , still and silent  pure consciousness , undisturbed peace, nameless, shapeless, all pervasive, all inclusive, SOUL, I don't know, CONSCIOUSNESS , I don't know , there is no knower, nothing knowable . This is the END OF JOURNEY."
In any case the culmination is:  Infinite expanse of snowy whiteness,still and silent marked by a kind of self consciousness or self awareness.there is nothing beyond that , only regression or reversal is possible.
It is a scientific fact that all colors manifest in white color, meaning thereby that white is the only reality, all other colors are just distortions or partial revelation of the white color. As soon as all colors loin, the existence of the white can be perceived. This fact has been convincingly and scientifically demonstrated by Revered Pavan Raina in his latest blog: life of colored shade is illusive in nature, the link is given below for convenient reference:
http://www.speakingtree.in/public/spiritual- blogs/seekers/philosophy/life-of-colored-shade-is-illusive-i n-nature
Similarly the life of physical reality is the distorted or partial revelation of the ultimate reality of self or God that can be experienced through Spiritual Meditation. Once this ultimate reality is experienced, the awareness or consciousness level of the seeker has touched the peak, there is nothing beyond that. 
Now it is the choice of the seeker, if he so desires , he can stay permanently in this state of bliss or he can come back to the physical world with the highest level of awareness and lead an ordinary life like all others around him, but his inward equanimity  will remain unsurpassed by others.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Sharing Spirituality with Less Fortunate

 I some times take liberties with my fellow seekers  for exchanging my ANUBHUTIES, for the purpose of authentication and confirmation from a fellow traveller who is on inward journey. After comparing and contrasting I have come to the conclusion that for the virus free clear minds the internal spiritual visions are the same, provided their approach is academic, objective, scientific and free from all kinds of predetermined ideas and religious hangovers. According to me such persons are perfect specimen of fully evolved human beings. But unfortunately they are in microscopic minority. It becomes the duty of such awakened souls to educate and enlighten the common men, whose vision is not yet fully developed because of certain adverse circumstances, poverty ,illiteracy and misery in their lives. The feedback from most of the enlightened persons shows that seen with uncolored clear glasses  life is a wonderful phenomenon and some religious fakes and fanatics are filling the common people with feelings of dividing,separating and narrow boundaries of sectarian religious thoughts .They are infusing in them false notions of guilt regarding materialism, sex, and moderate sensual pleasures, which God has granted them as Divine grace and gift, and frightening them with horrible punishments to create perpetual fearof misery awaiting them after death and consequently to keep them bound as a permanent supply line for their material and monetary needs  and committed as a standby army to be pushed ahead for fighting against their religious (read economic ) rivals  who are a threat to their self established seats of royalty and authority in the name of sectarian religions.I am here on the Speaking Tree just to register my presence for the like-minded individuals who can raise their voice against the people who are adding guilt ,poison and fear in the simple and honest living of the common people and infusing in them the elements of disruption and division in the name of false religiosity and God. 
According to Vedantic philosophy Spirituality is the pursuit of highest order and it is free from any pre-determined religious principles. In simple language it means finding out your own GOD ( which is nevertheless the same in all cases) for yourself and bow down to Him in complete surrender.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Independence Day Pledge

Our ancient Vedantic philosophy teaches each one of of us to find one's own God that  is at the core of every individual . The Adwaits and Dwaits slightly differ in their opinions about the individual core being a part of the one Almighty God. The difference between the two approaches is not of much consequence to the common man who has always been willing and ready to bow down before the Super Power, whatever its form or name, running and managing this universe with perfect accuracy. Depending on the guidance available in the neighborhood, he is ready to worship God both as SAGUN and NIRGUN .As a result there has been a multiplicity of gods and goddesses, deities, saintly sects and divergent religious philosophies.
Hinduism is not the name of any one religion nor is it a name given to a group of sectarian religions. It is a very wide and broad umbrella that allows freedom of religious thought and protection to each individual to choose his own religious options and the ways of worship. It encompasses all the sectarian religions of the world. This concept of Hinduism as such has been successfully working in India for centuries without much trouble except sporadic incidents of clashes between divergent groups. But these clashes cannot be given the name of religious conflicts of ideologies . Such clashes, which usually result from causes other than religion, such as social, economic or personal, are inevitable in any society. The number of such clashes in multi-religious country India is much less than the inter-sectarian religious conflicts and resulting in en mass murders  in other single religion dominated countries. 
On this Independence Day I salute this universal brotherhood and broad minded spirit of Mother India and religious tolerance of the people, and take pledge to work for this Noble Sentiment that binds the whole nation as a Living Organic Whole.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Beginner's Spiritual Meditation ( Survey )

For Meditation Techniques read earlier related blogs.

Spiritual Meditation up to Step II is meant for students, working professionals and family/worldly persons (Grihasthies ) who don't  have much time to spare. It will take a seeker about a fortnight's time to perfect the art of self meditation. After that everything will become automatic and self-regulated. The key words for reaping full benefits of spiritual meditation are: determination , strong will power and discipline. The earliest age for starting this meditation is approximately 10 years though a younger child can also be asked to join a senior member as an observer or participant, if the child is up to that. Meditation up to Step II is termed as Level I.It has absolutely no religious connections, though depending on the aptitude and inclination of the seeker this meditation at a later stage may be combined with chanting of the name of God or any deity of the seeker's choice. It should not be done at least up to one month of the starting.  In any case chanting does not make this meditation a religious ritual.  Chanting performs the job of emptying the mind of undesirable stream of thoughts going on unnoticed in the mind without the knowledge of the seeker. It is the awareness of these stray thoughts that dispels them  and  works wonders in bringing about quality changes in the routine life of the seeker. The meditation should invariably end with an expression of thanks and gratitude to the Almighty for all that He has showered on you, without keeping any additional demand before Him. This Spiritual Meditation is  based on purely scientific ,universal  principles aimed at bringing about self improvement and character formation.

The main objectives of Level I Spiritual Meditation are to develop a sense of gratitude to the Almighty and His creatures around you who contribute a lot to your being and existence, discipline, punctuality, regularity, determination, will power and to gradually sharpen memory and increase the level of over all awareness and consciousness. This much of meditation is more than enough for an average person to keep away various mental and physical disorders that result from the hectic and fast paced life style of the modern times. Depending on the circumstances and availability of time the seekers may move to the next level .The actual benefits of this meditation are so numerous that these cannot be described in this brief write up. These will better be realized by the seeker himself. One month's trial is not asking too much from the seeker for a life time of blissful experience.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Spirituality for Beginners ( Meditation Step II )

For continuity read the immediately preceding blog on meditation.

The first step of spiritual meditation has already been explained in detail and it is briefly summed up below: 

Step I: Select any convenient fixed point of time, preferably in the early morning, say 5 O'clock in the morning.  

Decide in advance how much time can be regularly spared for meditation , minimum being 15 minutes daily.

Select a suitable place in the house and sit in a comfortable posture or position preferably cross-legged, with back/spine and head erect and straight making 90 degree angle to the ground.

The initial function of the spiritual meditation is to feel the presence of the observer in you, separated from your body. For this purpose the observer can be deputed to concentrate on the inhaling and exhaling of the breath. The breathing should be altogether effortless. The impact of the breathed air on the upper lip should be carefully observed. The whole focus and concentration should be on the breathing only. The successful experiment of this meditation will drive out all thoughts from your mind, good or bad, there will be nothing, the chain of thoughts in the conscious stream will be suspended for the period of meditation. It may take you a few days to reach this stage and you may experience this thoughtlessness on the first day itself. To keep track of the fixed time you may use alarm in the beginning before your body clock begins to give the accurate reading about time. As soon as the spell of meditation is broken by the sound of the alarm, take it easy and look around in all directions and try to record the visual of entire scene in your mind and in a smooth way get on to your daily routine. Remember, the main purpose of spiritual meditation is to raise the  over all level of awareness and consciousness, internal as well external. 

Monday, 11 August 2014

No Hand Shakes or Hugging, EBOLA has come

No Hand Shake or Hugging ,EBOLA has come

Most Indian social and religious practices were based on scientific principles.
For example the ritual of meeting and greeting was performed with folded hands without touching each other. But we have given up that tradition in favor of shaking hands and hugging. The result is that most of the viral and infectious diseases get cooperative and promotional response from the victims themselves and these diseases soon take the epidemic shape. Since most of these diseases are short lived, say about a week, so most people prefer to take a calculated risk and continue to enjoy the momentary pleasure of shaking hands and hugging and thus expressing love for each other.

However we forget that like God, Devil too is keeping an eye on us and he cannot tolerate such expression of love because it weakens his position on earth and his ranks begin to dwindle. So from time to time he keeps on sending his agents to stop such actions of expression of love and goodwill. He sends conjunctivitis , an eye disease, from time to time and the practice of expressing love by physical touch is suspended, to be resumed soon as soon as the phase of the disease passes.

This attitude of the human beings hurts Devil and this time in a fit of anger he has deputed EBOLA , a deadly disease, far more serious and fatal than AIDS or any other existing disease.  It causes sure and certain death and that too in a period of just three weeks and there is no cure for it for the time being. Some African countries are already in the grip of this disease , more than a thousand persons have already been weaned away by Devil,and  EBOLA is all set to extend its tentacles the world over.

Take the Devil this time seriously. Stop following the practice of handshaking and hugging or formal physical touches to express your true or false emotions of love and goodwill. Who knows one may be wishing early death to the other rather than  good luck.

My NAMASKAR to you with folded hands. Kindly don't touch me. I would rather remain uncultured and primitive rather than dying at Devil's bidding.

I hope you would not tell others about my not so modern uncivilized behavior.

With the same love as I ever had for you, I remain, yours

DP Sharma

Spirituality for Beginners ( Meditation )

Spiritual Meditation 

Spiritual Meditation is a process of increasing the awareness and consciousness level by remaining in soul consciousness . Most of the seekers are often found confused about Meditation . They do not clearly understand what this term means and how to do meditation. 

What is meditation ?

Meditation in simple words means being your own self completely cut off from the rest of the world, including your family, near and dear ones, and all kinds of mental associations and entanglements, shorn off all worldly possessions.It is a dialogue with the self or with God within you, your consciousness standing as witness and guard as this process of meditation is going on..Meditation is a mental state and it does not require any physical distances or renunciation from the outside world. When one learns to enter the inner world smoothly , the outside physical world automatically disappears and ultimately a stage comes when one is in perpetual state of meditation remaining very much in this world and discharging all the routine duties perfectly well with much higher level of efficiency, accuracy and smoothness. Contrary to common perceptions , meditation does not actually take you away from your world but makes you better placed and fixed in it. In so called worldly reality nothing changes, the change takes place inside the mind only. In fact one comes to understand the real nature of the physical world and its relationship with SOUL.this is also the stage of attainment of MUKTI .

How to do meditation ?

The concept of meditation explained above is the highest attainable degree and it is reached gradually only.  To begin with a seeker has to decide whether to go about it or not. If one wants it, the first requirement is to fix a minimum available time and , it can be as little as fifteen minutes and a suitable place .Determination, strong will and self discipline are the basic requirements for this purpose. Whatever time one fixes in the beginning for this purpose, it should be religiously adhered and observed. The most important thing is the fixed point of time for this purpose, if it is 5 O'clock in the morning, it should be punctually the same everyday. The next step is to sit in a comfortable posture and let  the body and mind loose and to carefully observe what is happening of its own without willfully interfering in the natural and automatic process of happening. Don't do anything just observe, be consciously alive, that's all. Just one week's practice will bring about phenomenal changes in your way of living.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Spirituality for Beginners

Disclaimer: These are my personal thoughts/views, academic and non-religious in nature. These are neither supported by any scriptures nor aligned to any sectarian religious group.

( Kindly don't read if you are following some living GURU or if you have strong convictions about the related subject based on religious scriptures)
Questions/clarifications from the readers are welcome.

For continuity read two earlier parts. ( FAQs )

Read the following text, try to understand its meaning and underlying implications, if you can digest a little bit of it, read it again for full comprehension, otherwise leave it, and take some time till you can come back to this again. Once you begin to understand the import of this text, you should read it again and again till you absorb its essence fully, verbatim memorizing is not required. The following text has been formulated keeping in mind Monism or Adwait school of thought, that believes in the existence of only one soul I.e. God Soul or One Divine Soul and no individual soul.The text can be modified to suit the followers of Dwait or Duality/Multiplicity school of thought distinguishing individual soul from the supreme soul, I.e. ATMA and PARMATMA  Often the two schools have remained at loggerheads but to me there appears to be no point of conflict between the two schools. I have in fact moved farther away from both the schools, I call it neither monistic God realization nor dualistic self + God realization, I simply call it SOUL REALIZATION and dissociate myself from either or any other related school of thought, without any religious overtones. In all humility I have no hesitation in saying that I am writing my own text of scripture just for myself and for any other willing taker. I neither contradict any other existing school of thought nor do I seek following or patronage from the readers.

"I am soul , not body. Even this body, or for that purpose any other body does not belong or relate to me. My relationship with the body through which I am communicating this message is the same as with any other human body, creature , vegetation or physical object. I am the only one, there is no other. I am above possessions. I can not possess anything nor can I be possessed by anybody.I am immortal . I am timeless. I have always been there. I am above both space and time. I was never born . I am without beginning as well as end. I pervade the entire universe. I don't possess this universe nor does the universe possess me.I am there and the universe is there, that's all. I have no relationship with this universe whatsoever.i have no role in the running and functioning of this universe. It is governed by its own physical laws. I remain unaffected by the happenings in this universe.the universe does not come in my way and I don't come in the way of the universe.my basic nature is peace and purity. Nothing can disturb my peace.I have some metaphysical attributes and no physical form. Some of my attributes can be manifested in human beings, other creatures and vegetation. No human being is capable of assuming all my attributes. Body is a limiting factor to my full realization and as soon as full realization comes the body as well as the entire physical world evaporates. Intellect and logic are a hindrance and not a help in realizing me. It is only the highest order of awareness and consciousness that can help in my full realization.I am called God by some , Supreme Soul as distinguished from individual soul by others, and the stages  of my partial and full realization are called as Self Realization and God realization. This is also a misconception spread by some vested interests . I am no God either. In brief I AM  just I AM, no more."

After reading the text continue repeating: I am, I am, I am, I am, I am,.............................or OM, 
OM, OM, OM.........................till you can afford or till your body becomes subservient to chanting.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Spirituality for Beginners (Seeker's Response )

Here are a few doubts, issues, questions raised by one reader/seeker relating to the preceding blog of today . Since all the points that he has touched are of utmost importance, so I am giving my views through this blog so that the others may also benefit from this. My views are purely personal without any scriptural support.

Q:I don't know if soul exists without God?

A: There are two schools of thought on this subject:Adwait or monism and Dwait or Duality/Multiplicity. I belong to the first one. According to this school individual soul and God/Divine soul is one and the same thing. This Sole Soul is manifested in each individual. Complete or full realization of this soul has the potential to raise every individual to complete Godhood. Self realization is equal to God realization.

The other school Dwait believes in the duality or multiplicity of soul. According to this school individual soul is a part of the all pervasive Divine Soul. The individual soul has the scope and potential of merging  with the Divine Soul. Thus there are two steps to God realization : self realization and God realization .

A close examination of the thoughts of the two schools will show that they are more or less the same and there is no clash between the two except of language and perception of the process to God realization .

You are free to join either of the two schools or establish your own based on your meditational ANUBHUTIES or revelations.

Q: I don't know if soul exists without spirituality.

A: The existence of anything in this universe, much less soul, is not dependent on anything else, except, of course its anti-thesis, which is co-existent, light- darkness,day-night, beauty-ugliness etc. That Soul exists is an unchallenged or  indisputable fact, spirituality has nothing to do with it. Spirituality is the name given to the study of soul, its attributes , its related aspects and its resultant benefits.

Q : I presume an Atheist may very well be spiritual .

A : According to me only an Atheist can be spiritual. Here the opinion may differ and I don't want to make an issue with those holding different views. I simply respect and appreciate divergence and difference of opinion. An Atheist has the potential of attaining Godhood earlier than the Theist. A theist has unflinching faith in God and for him this God is the OTHER different from him. You can either believe in something or BE THAT SOMETHING .

Q : I did not know that we can talk to evil spirits. How? Why?

A: Your question has cropped up from my explanation of difference between spirituality and spiritualism. I have simply explained the two terms. In addition to this I know nothing about ghosts and evil spirits, but there are others who believe in these things. I am not equipped to contradict them. They may or may not be right, I don't know.

Spirituality for Beginners

Here are some frequently asked questions about spirituality. The seekers are welcome to ask any other related question or they can seek clarifications with respect to the answers given below.

Q: What is meant by spirituality?

A: Man is a combination of physical and metaphysical (abstract , non-material )elements. Physical element is the body made of five elements earth, water, fire,air and sky. The physical body is subject to constant change, birth, growth, degeneration, regeneration, disease and damage culminating into death when this physical body or machine stops functioning altogether because of some disease, accidental break down or normal wear and tear. The other component of man is SOUL or SPIRIT, which is metaphysical , abstract or non-physical.The consciousness and awareness about the principal metaphysical element SOUL or SPIRIT , the identification of the self with soul and the use of pronoun "I" for this soul is the first step towards the understanding of the meaning of spirituality. The association of the pronoun "I" for the soul is the first lesson  for self realization. Because of ignorance of this vital fact most people consider the body to be "self" whereas it is not the body, it is the soul.

Q: Is spiritualism the same thing as spirituality ?

A: No. Spiritualism is the belief that spirits, particularly ghosts and evil spirits, exist without bodies or in subtle bodies, and it is possible to hold communication with them. Spirituality means the study of relationship between soul and body.

Q: What difference does it make whether one considers body to be "self" instead of soul.

A: If one considers body to be the self, one remains in perpetual pain and suffering. The identification of the self with the body creates a vicious chain and circle of relations and possessions connected with the body and all these relations and possessions are subject to damage and loss.The pros and cons related to the body are numerous and unlimited. These pros and cons are a constant cause of happiness and unhappiness for the misplaced and ignorant self. The pros usually go unnoticed and are  taken for granted and the happiness based on pros of the body goes unnoticed but the cons related to body are conspicuous by their presence, hence life appears to be a vast ocean of pain suffering and grief, with brief glimpses of happiness now and then.  Whereas the characteristic features of the soul are such that they admit no pain, suffering or grief. The characteristics of the soul are immortality, eternal peace, harmony free from all kinds of diseases and ailments.

Q: Can one get rid of of all kinds of pain, suffering and grief by treading the path of spirituality ?

A: So far as pain is a function of the physical body, spiritual path cannot provide any solution. There is no escape from the physical pain resulting from injuries, accidents and various physical ailments. Spirituality can simply increase one's forbearance and stoicism to confront physical pain with brave face. However all kinds of mental ailments, sufferings etc can be avoided by treading the spiritual path and following spiritual practices.

Q: Is spirituality a part of some religion?

A: No spirituality is not related to any religion. It is non-religious and universal in nature. It leads to the realization of universal, non-sectarian Unmanifest God of Divine Attributes, 

Friday, 8 August 2014

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction ( Consolidated Parts I to X with Foreword )

I am grateful to my readers who received my serialized blog The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction with a great welcome and appreciation. Some readers could not keep track of all the ten parts and they have expressed a desire that I should post a consolidated version of all the ten parts for their convenience.   Honoring their wishes I post today the consolidated content so that they may have a unified picture of the whole by referring back to the parts that they might have missed. An impartial feedback and related questions from the readers are welcome.

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction ( Consolidated Parts I to X & Foreword )

( Notes and Disclaimer )

I share with my fellow travelers the perceptions, insights,visions ,hallucinations, findings, discoveries,facts and fiction experienced during my meditational jaunts.

The statements made in the forthcoming series under the collective title "The Ultimate Truth: Facts &  Fiction" are not claimed to be correct, authentic or supported by any religious scriptures.These can at best be called the personal fancies of a seeker after truth about the reality of the universe perceived as purely personal individual experience without any religious intentions or overtones. The exercise is completely nonreligious, universal, scientific and academic undertaken with a view to reaching some consensus after comparing and contrasting the experiences of the other seekers under similar conditions.

The purpose of recording the statements is the research to be based on similarities of the experiences of the other like-minded individuals, who are hereby requested to send their feedback either in the comments section or through private messages.

The similarity of certain statements with other earlier recorded documents on various aspects are purely coincidental or the result of my absorption what I have read or heard so far and I express my gratitude to the original exponents for that.

No claim to any originality of the thought is claimed, though the language and expression are my own. All the thoughts have been excavated from the Universal Thought Bank and the Collective Consciousness during my meditational jaunts.


 The Ultimate Truth -something that the whole world is looking for, I have also been
doing the same for a long time now. There is no dearth of the people who claim that they know it all. Many believe that it is lying buried in the ancient scriptures and are trying to dig it up from there. Some highly learned scholars who could explore new horizons are simply content with the knowledge available in our scriptures.Either their initiative and drive has been suppressed by the fake Gurus who can't tolerate any deviation from the lines drawn by them or they have somehow come to believe in our oft repeated false glory that all knowledge has been given to us directly by God and there is nothing more that can be done.The language of the ancient scriptures is not fully comprehensible and this gives a free play to the scholars to come out with their own interpretations some times absolutely unrelated and distorted beyond recognition. There are numerous genuine scholars and institutions that are working honestly and dedicatedly for the promotion of human values based on our ancient knowledge but for the common man there is no telling from the genuine to the fake. Besides for the genuine persons there is always financial crunch. Because of the multi billion market of Divinity and Divine products the number of imitators and fakes is on the rise at an alarming speed. Most of the religious thinkers and philosophers are simply selling the old stuff in the fashion of old wine in new bottles. That too could be tolerated if the quality of product had not been tampered with.

Under the circumstances there is urgent need of aggressive and rebellious youth, whose brains are yet unsullied by the traditional Indian thought to embark on a journey to find their own path without gloating over our past glory. I am ill-equipped to say anything to the genuine learned scholars of Indian religious thought and philosophy but my humble suggestion to them is that they should try to look beyond the heights already scaled by our ancient ascetics.

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction
Part I

The ultimate truth about this universe is that it is packed to the capacity. Nothing ,can be added to it and nothing can be taken out of it. It is infinite, it has no beginning and no end. Except this phenomenon of universe man can not imagine anything without beginning or end and he knows no reason how and why this universe can be beginningless and endless.It is fully insulated from any outside influences or intrusions Every movement in it is highly disciplined and regulated. In fact there is nothing outside it..Nothing new comes up here except change ,transmutation and transformation of that is already there. There is no BIRTH and no DEATH in this universe, only change of material shapes and forms and different permutations and combinations of non-material aspects, such as, soul, consciousness, brain, mind, memory, ego, intellect, etc. Thus the law of change and transformation applies to every aspect - abstract and concrete.. No new thoughts, ideas or philosophies. Everything has always been there and will be there.These basic characteristics of the universe are beyond human mind, intelligence or logicThis fact has already been accepted by the scientists in the principle that nothing can be created and nothing can be destroyed. In the absence of answers related to these mysteries of the universe GOD comes in handy to be the cause of all that cannot be understood or explained by the human mind. According to the law of antithesis nothing can exist in isolation without its antithetical aspect, not even GOD, so there is DEVIL to authenticate the existence of GOD.That way I am not presenting any new idea, what I am trying to do is to explore the implications of some unexplainable and enigmatic divine facts and that too from my own view point.

Part II

It is interesting to imagine what the world was like when man was in the earliest stage of evolution. He was like any other animal fighting for his survival on a level ground but after the evolution he has come to occupy an exclusive and higher pedestal in Animal Kingdom as a Thinking and Social Animal. This thinking of man has bifurcated his existence into two aspects: physical and metaphysical, and has opened up new vistas of living at a higher plane not accessible to other animals for the time being.

As of today existence in this universe from the view point of man has two sides: Internal or Inner and External or Outer.

Further the external existence manifests itself in the physical world and the internal or inner existence is metaphysical or abstract. Apparently these two terms appear to be quite apart but closer examination shows that there is a very thin line separating the two.This is mainly because of the universal law of antithesis.

According to the law of antithesis, nothing can exist in isolation, existence needs to be supported by something antithetical: heat-cold, light-darkness,truth-falsehood, love-hate and so on, non of these pairs can exist separated from the other. Thus physical and metaphysical are also inseparable and always co-exist.

Exploration of the inner world with the help of consciousness and awareness assisted by mind provides various visions and insights of the vast physical universe and its functioning, which are well nigh impossible to comprehend with the help of intelligence, logic and reasoning. At the ultimate level of understanding the universe most tools  available to man such as intelligence and logic fail and he has to depend on Divine or Godly intervention, hence the need for unknown and invisible power that has been named God by man. In this sense man is the creator of God:

GOD is not the Creator of man
It is the other way round
Man has created GOD
To serve his selfish ends

Part III

When talking about the ultimate truth we can't afford to miss three terms in particular: God, Divinity and Infinity.let us first look at the term infinity. In simple language it means: endless, without beginning, without end. But to a mathematician it means a lot more and he fails to apply his regular calculations and formulas to the concept of infinity. For example you cannot add anything to infinity and you cannot deduct anything from It. Similarly you cannot divide or multiply infinity to any number. In all these cases the result will invariably be infinity. Man cannot imagine the application of the concept of infinity to any other field other than the universe or at the most imaginary concept of counting from 1 to infinity, which too practically is an impossibility. Not only that, the mathematicians have hit upon another corollary I.e. the fractional numbers between any two whole numbers ,let us say 2 and 3,is also infinite. In the domain of infinity a curve no longer remains a curve and it coincides with a straight line, which again does not appeal to the human mind that cannot fully comprehend the concept of infinity. All calculations involving infinity are beyond the scope of man. We may tell, to some extent, the shape size and weight of some heavenly bodies but no scientist can tell the number of these heavenly bodies. Nobody knows whether the dome that encompasses the infinite heavenly bodies is round , square, rectangular, cubicle or anything other than all this. These facts alone are enough to show the helplessness of all scientists and knowledgeable persons of the world. So the poor fellows leave answers to such questions to be handled by some super power, which man calls Almighty or God.

Each one us is an integral and inseparable part of the Divinity/Infinity. We don't have any separate existence. In fact separated from our root we can't exist all. Because of our ignorance of the inner world each one of us some times gets the wrong impression of being a separate entity, but it is not so. The realization of this relationship of the individual with Divinity/Infinity is the end of our search for self and God.

Part IV

It makes a very interesting and exciting study to assess the position of man in this Universe.  Viewed from the casual day to day perspective man is an insignificant entity  in the universe and by all means he is a very weak, insecure and helpless creature, notwithstanding the boastful exhibition of the physical strength by some vis a vis persons of average physical and mental strength. But the ultimate unceremonious end of such boastful persons like Alexander, Hitler and Mussolini further confirms the feeble and puny existence of man in this universe.But all this relates only to the physical aspect of man.

Fortunately man is endowed with some faculties ( some call it God's gift and nobody knows to the satisfaction of all what,where, or who God is )of metaphysical aspect : soul, mind, memory, imagination,,consciousness,awareness, etc. that make man stand out as a unique favored creature. It is this man that we are interested in.

In physical terms a man is not more than a molecule, an atom or an organic cell of the whole universe. But when we consider this smallest part in terms of an integral and inseparable unit of the Infinity, an altogether different picture about the stature of man emerges. In Part III of this blog the concept of Infinity was discussed in detail and in the light of that discussion the following characteristics of Infinity are worth noting :-

( I ) The concept of Infinity can be used with respect to Universe or Divinity only.
      To this extent Infinity and Divinity are synonyms.

( II ) In terms of size, shape,form,magnitude, Infinity is beyond all possible stretches.      
       of human mind and imagination.

( III ) Infinity defies all arithmetical calculations of addition, subtraction , division and

And above all:

A part of the Infinity is also INFINITE.

It is here that man acquires a stature that gives him the potential of INFINITE, and scope to transcend his tininess . Thus joined to his root man is Infinity/Divinity and separated he is an insignificant dead cell or atom of no consequence.

Part V : The Ultimate Truth: Facts & Fiction

This world is described by many as the house of sufferings with almost everybody affected by one or the other sickness, disease, poverty, hunger, deprivation,depression and what not. However a close examination of all these sufferings will reveal that these physical and mental ailments result from the body conscious subjective view of the happenings in the world. When we view these happenings from the perspective of body they appear to be affecting us and we feel pain and suffering. But once we learn through self exploration and meditation the relationship between the physical and the metaphysical, all pain and suffering evaporates. This body is a machine or vehicle to take the bubble self round to connect with other selves but sitting in this vehicle we consider it to be  inseparable and integral part of the self and we are affected as soon as our vehicle breaks down or meets an accident . Taking the analogy a step further it is the same kind of pain that we feel at the break down or accident of a vehicle supposedly owned by our body. In this way by connecting the self to the body the circle or chain of our connections with the physical world keeps on widening and so does the circle and magnitude of our sufferings.Once we learn our immortal characteristic as a soul and the transitoriness  and transmutability of the physical world all the worldly pains, sufferings and break downs will stop troubling us.

We concluded in Part IV  that man is just a cell in the organic whole of this universe marked by Infinity/Divinity. As an integral part of the whole, this cell is also a complete whole in itself and it enjoys the nourishment and protection flowing from the bigger whole I.e. Infinity or Divinity like the nourishment energy and life force flowing to the child in mother's womb. But for one reason or the other if this cell gets  dissociated  from the whole,  like the disconnection of umbilical cord,it loses the nourishment,strength and vitality that was naturally flowing to it from the integrated whole. In other words as soon as we supposedly break our relationship from the Infinity/Divinity, we become vulnerable to all kinds of attacks on us, resulting in incessant pain and suffering.

Part VI

Now next and the most important point to be considered is about the existence of God. By and large this point seems to be settled as majority of the people in the world have a strong conviction about the existence of God, it is a different matter that for some God is manifest ( in physical form ) and for others He is unmanifest I.e.without any physical form. Many claim to have seen God, claim to be in regular contact and communion  with Him and also promise to show Him to any seeker. The group of these people is collectively referred to as THEISTS. There are others who are of the strong opinion that there is no God,the least in physical form, and they are labelled as ATHE ISTS. And still there is the third group that does not align itself to either of the two groups and prefers itself to be labelled as AGNOSTICS, keeping the options open, for and against the existence of God, depending on the evidence provided to their satisfaction. Whatever position is taken by any person with respect to the existence of God is not of much consequence but the arguments and disputes about the existence of God is sheer wastage of time and energy that will not take people to any conclusion whatsoever. But one thing is certain that we shall have to coin some mutuall acceptable term in linguistic parameters to whom we can leave the unexplained riddles and enigmas to be resolved about the origin of this INFINITE universe and its unfathomable magnitude.

Call God by any other name
GOD remains God
The nomenclature can't change
The essence of a substance

In fact the path adopted by the theists is of great practical value and is the easiest one. By leaving most of the inexplicable riddles and dilemmas to be solved by the Almighty God, people can concentrate on their day to day living, personal growth and all round development. Besides, the fear of God and Divine justice motivates the people to lead a reasonably good and virtuous life without indulging in activities detrimental to their fellow beings. The fear of God in a way maintains a workable balance in this otherwise strife-torn,whimsical and shaky world.There does not seem to be any negativity in being a theist if it does not make these believers complacent about the search for ultimate truth, which most believers prefer to ignore. On the other hand it requires a great courage and strength to be an atheist. It means great trust in self, determination and strong will power in solving all the personal  problems, big or small , without any outside help or divine intervention.

Part VII

We may argue about the existence of GOD but there is no denying the existence of Godliness. I have always felt and realized the existence of unmanifest God or Godliness pervading the whole universe. This Godliness manifests in various physical forms , actions and behavior of fellow human beings and all other creatures, and above all divine laws that govern and discipline this vast universe. Now the question arises whether God or Godliness can exist as separate entity , it will be the same thing as asking whether any color, white for example, can exist without without being manifested in some physical object. There are numerous
other attributes that have no existence of their own as such but can be realized in certain physical objects only.Take for example, sweetness, bitterness, softness, which have their existence manifested in certain physical objects only and not apart from them.We cannot deny the existence of white color but at the same time we cannot see white color separated from objects. Whiteness in abstract form may exist in mind but it cannot be found anywhere outside.

 The same is true I presume with respect to God and Godliness,we can have some idea about God in the mind but we cannot find God outside in isolation in any physical object or form.We cannot give any physical form to God,though we can perceive and realize God or for that purpose Godliness in the outside physical world. The conclusion is that God and Godliness are certainly realities which cannot be shown to others but have to be realized by each individual separately and independently.

Viewed thus, God, Godliness and Divinity are synonyms used for certain characteristics and attributes which ensure smooth and flawless movement of this universe, physical, psychological and emotional wellness of life and vegetation on earth or elsewhere on any other heavenly body if life be there.


Now the question arises why there is from time to time turmoil, disturbances ,accidents and violence in God-made universe. The answer lies in the law of antithesis that states that nothing can exist without its antithetical aspect, not even God, who has Devil as his counterpart in the antithetical zone to shake and give jolts to God's Creation from time to time.

The Devil is as much a reality as God. Both are joined to each other like twins in the mother's womb. They co-exist ,cannot be separated and are equally powerful. Both of them live in the mind of an individual as much as they live in the entire universe. In spite of their clearly marked boundaries of territories, they have free unrestricted access to each other's regimes. Minor violations are ignored. Both God and Devil know that a subtle balance is essential for the survival of both. Neither of the two can survive of his own. Those who clamor for the eradication of evil from the society are perhaps not aware of the power of Devil. It is better to let the sleeping dog (Devil) lie, it does no harm to anybody. The Purists in search of Heavenly Kingdom are responsible for tempting the Devil and to enrage him. When God has no problems or issues with Devil, why should man be over enthusiastic to tempt Devil and to force him to shake the peace and equanimity of the world in self defense. But for the unwanted and uncalled for interference of man Devil poses no danger to the existence of God's universe.

The only solution to the upheaval and conflicts in the universe is the time tested principle "Live and let live."

This universe does not wholly belong to God
As some people wrongly believe
A part of it is under Devil's sway
And God knows it well

God and Devil are closely related
Though they don't see eye to eye
Both know each other's strength ...
Neither dare challenge the other

Both are at peace with each other
Once they shared the same abode
Till Devil revolted against God's supremacy
And was thrown out of Heaven

Now Devil lives in his own abode Hell
In God's neighborhood adjacent to Heaven
Devil is the undisputed lord of Hell
And God respects his sovereignty

The root cause of trouble in the world
Is not the conflict between
God and Devil
It is the hostility among their followers

The evil forces have always been
Active in the world
In ancient times they used to disturb
The meditation of ascetics & RISHIES.

Part IX

In order to avoid any entanglements and controversies  with representatives of  various sectarian religions I avoid any reference to the religious scriptures  or different gods and deities mentioned in these scriptures, yet everybody knows it well that the comparative study of various major religions of the world shows that human AVATARS ( manifest gods ,deities or incarnates) representing different religions of the world had a tough time fighting the demons, the hierarchical juniors of Devil on this earth. The fight of the AVATARS with the demons was neck to neck and the defeat  of the Devil has been only temporary, and no AVATAR has been successful in eradicating the evil influence of the Devil from earth for good. If that is the history of battles between God and Devil or for that purpose their followers on earth so far, is it not better to work out a reasonable compromise? The other amusing and interesting fact is that the problem of God vs Devil is there only on earth, which is just a very insignificant and infinitesimal part of the whole universe. Clearly, the problem is not between God and Devil, it is between man and man. Unfortunately man is not satisfied with his smooth life and comfortable position as man only, he aspires for a closer and higher position, either with God or with Devil, and this diseased psychology of man is responsible for all the evils, turmoils and violence, The ambitious men get aligned either with God or with Devil, without their consent, and rage a war of sorts among themselves putting the peace and security of the whole human race at risk.There will be perfect peace on earth when man learns to live as man. This subject has vast day to day ramifications, therefore it will be dealt with,in detail, separately.

Part X

The erosion of divine values love, brotherhood,caring and sharing has weakened God's camp of human beings which is attributed to the cyclical turn of events named KALIYUGA. Taking advantage of this weakened aspect Devil has sown the seeds of selfishness,hatred, greed and hostility among the shaken and stiffened followers of God, which means gradually weaning them away from God and swelling the ranks of Devil. As a result , otherwise hidden Devilish designs are coming to the fore and are causing conflicts, hatred and violence. Devil has his own share in the natural phenomenon of day and night and dwelling places of the human beings. Broadly speaking the day belongs to God and the night belongs to Devil. There are overlapping periods of dawn and dusk. Dawn predominantly belongs to God and the dusk to Devil. Similarly more than temples , and other places of worship, Devil has the sway at pubs, discotheques, harlot homes and star hotels, which are far more glamorous and gorgeous than temples.in a sad turn of events austerity and simplicity is disappearing from God's worshipping places and the Ashrams of god's representatives on earth. 

In bungalows of the rich God and Devil have their separately and specially earmarked places : temple room and bar room. As the sun moves towards west heralding the onset of dusk , the haunts of Devil : pubs, discos, bars , massage centers , dancing halls ,harlot homes become alive and abuzz with life  and the priests begin to lull the gods to sleep for the night rest so that the Devil may have his full sway at night providing favorable opportunities to the rapists, burglars , thieves and scoundrels of all shades and hues. By and large all these activities of tribute to God and Devil go on simultaneously and smoothly except sporadic incidents of clash of interests now and then. No wonder, worshippers of God are often found among followers of Devil in night revelries and the followers of Devil pay courtesy calls at temples and other places of worship, and even publicly announce huge donations. In such an atmosphere of cordiality between God and Devil only a few follower extremists on both the sides make a worthless hue and cry.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction ( Part X !)

The erosion of divine values love, brotherhood,caring and sharing has weakened God's camp of human beings which is attributed to the cyclical turn of events named KALIYUGA. Taking advantage of this weakened aspect Devil has sown the seeds of selfishness,hatred, greed and hostility among the shaken and stiffened followers of God, which means gradually weaning them away from God and swelling the ranks of Devil. As a result , otherwise hidden Devilish designs are coming to the fore and are causing conflicts, hatred and violence. Devil has his own share in the natural phenomenon of day and night and dwelling places of the human beings. Broadly speaking the day belongs to God and the night belongs to Devil. There are overlapping periods of dawn and dusk. Dawn predominantly belongs to God and the dusk to Devil. Similarly more than temples , and other places of worship, Devil has the sway at pubs, discotheques, harlot homes and star hotels, which are far more glamorous and gorgeous than temples.in a sad turn of events austerity and simplicity is disappearing from God's worshipping places and the Ashrams of god's representatives on earth.

In bungalows of the rich God and Devil have their separately and specially earmarked places : temple room and bar room. As the sun moves towards west heralding the onset of dusk , the haunts of Devil : pubs, discos, bars , massage centers , dancing halls ,harlot homes become alive and abuzz with life  and the priests begin to lull the gods to sleep for the night rest so that the Devil may have his full sway at night providing favorable opportunities to the rapists, burglars , thieves and scoundrels of all shades and hues. By and large all these activities of tribute to God and Devil go on simultaneously and smoothly except sporadic incidents of clash of interests now and then. No wonder, worshippers of God are often found among followers of Devil in night revelries and the followers of Devil pay courtesy calls at temples and other places of worship, and even publicly announce huge donations. In such an atmosphere of cordiality between God and Devil only a few follower extremists on both the sides make a worthless hue and cry.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction ( Part VIII)

For continuity read earlier parts

Now the question arises why there is from time to time turmoil, disturbances ,accidents and violence in God-made universe. The answer lies in the law of antithesis that states that nothing can exist without its antithetical aspect, not even God, who has Devil as his counterpart in the antithetical zone to shake and give jolts to God's Creation from time to time.

The Devil is as much a reality as God. Both are joined to each other like twins in the mother's womb. They co-exist ,cannot be separated and are equally powerful. Both of them live in the mind of an individual as much as they live in the entire universe. In spite of their clearly marked boundaries of territories, they have free unrestricted access to each other's regimes. Minor violations are ignored. Both God and Devil know that a subtle balance is essential for the survival of both. Neither of the two can survive of his own. Those who clamor for the eradication of evil from the society are perhaps not aware of the power of Devil. It is better to let the sleeping dog (Devil) lie, it does no harm to anybody. The Purists in search of Heavenly Kingdom are responsible for tempting the Devil and to enrage him. When God has no problems or issues with Devil, why should man be over enthusiastic to tempt Devil and to force him to shake the peace and equanimity of the world in self defense. But for the unwanted and uncalled for interference of man Devil poses no danger to the existence of God's universe.

The only solution to the upheaval and conflicts in the universe is the time tested principle "Live and let live."

This universe does not wholly belong to God
As some people wrongly believe
A part of it is under Devil's sway
And God knows it well

God and Devil are closely related
Though they don't see eye to eye
Both know each other's strength ...
Neither dare challenge the other

Both are at peace with each other
Once they shared the same abode
Till Devil revolted against God's supremacy
And was thrown out of Heaven

Now Devil lives in his own abode Hell
In God's neighborhood adjacent to Heaven
Devil is the undisputed lord of Hell
And God respects his sovereignty

The root cause of trouble in the world
Is not the conflict between
God and Devil
It is the hostility among their followers

The evil forces have always been
Active in the world
In ancient times they used to disturb
The meditation of ascetics & RISHIES.

Thanks & Gratitude

It was  a month ago that I joined ST family on 4th July last month. I am overwhelmed by the response and welcome that I have received all these days to make me feel comfortable. My blogs have been received well and the readership is increasing at a fast pace and the number of followers  has crossed 250. I have no words to express my gratitude to the vast family of knowledgable and illustrious seekers, who are so eager to cooperate and help the new comers. it is a rare gesture  of goodwill by the stalwarts.

I am separately recording my sweet experiences of the first month in an exclusive report that I would like to share with fellow seekers.

I will be failing in my duty if I don't convey my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Management of the Speaking Tree who are handling this multi-faceted site touching almost all the aspects of human life in a highly professional manner.

All these days have been a very pleasant experience for me and hope better days ahead.


Monday, 4 August 2014

The Ultimate Truth : Facts & Fiction ( Part VII )

For continuity see earlier parts:

We may argue about the existence of GOD but there is no denying the existence of Godliness. I have always felt and realized the existence of unmanifest God or Godliness pervading the whole universe. This Godliness manifests in various physical forms , actions and behavior of fellow human beings and all other creatures, and above all divine laws that govern and discipline this vast universe. Now the question arises whether God or Godliness can exist as separate entity , it will be the same thing as asking whether any color, white for example, can exist without without being manifested in some physical object. There are numerous
other attributes that have no existence of their own as such but can be realized in certain physical objects only.Take for example, sweetness, bitterness, softness, which have their existence manifested in certain physical objects only and not apart from them.We cannot deny the existence of white color but at the same time we cannot see white color separated from objects. Whiteness in abstract form may exist in mind but it cannot be found anywhere outside.

 The same is true I presume with respect to God and Godliness,we can have some idea about God in the mind but we cannot find God outside in isolation in any physical object or form.We cannot give any physical form to God,though we can perceive and realize God or for that purpose Godliness in the outside physical world. The conclusion is that God and Godliness are certainly realities which cannot be shown to others but have to be realized by each individual separately and independently.

Viewed thus, God, Godliness and Divinity are synonyms used for certain characteristics and attributes which ensure smooth and flawless movement of this universe, physical, psychological and emotional wellness of life and vegetation on earth or elsewhere on any other heavenly body if life be there.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

A Visit to Hell/Heaven ( Part II )

For continuity read Part I

All activity in the Hall
Came to a grinding halt
The waiting human forms
Were drowned in the sea of uncertainty
There were babbling  whispers
Guessing about
The future course of action
Both God and Devil were informed
About the piquant situation
They consulted each other
To resolve the tricky problem
But could not reach a consensus

Neither of my  two claimants
Was ready to relent
And thus lose
A special case of considerable interest
And of high value
To both God and Devil
And to be used as a precedent
For all such cases in future

As time was moving fast
There was danger of crisis
The  human form in subtle body
Could be kept hanging
Only till the availability of gross body
On earth  before cremation or
Burial as the case may be

A few angels were deputed
To be present near my gross body
And be in touch with the
Heavenly authorities above
About moment to moment developments
Regarding arrangements
For my last rites

They had further been directed
To create such circumstances
As would delay the disposal of my body
Till a mutual agreement was reached
Between God & Devil
Regarding ownership of my soul.

I was summoned to
A grand  Hall
An exclusive meeting place
For God and Devil
It was a wonderful occasion for me
To see God  and Devil sharing a podium
And exchanging pleasantries
An unimaginable scene
It was a rare sight

The aides of the two
Briefed their masters and
After prolonged consultations
It was decided
To give me the  option
To choose for myself
Either Hell or Heaven
And convey my decision
In an hour's time
After visiting both Hell & Heaven
And having first hand experience.

( I find it very difficult to choose between
Hell and Heaven after visiting both the places )
To be continued...............