Wednesday, 20 August 2014


I am mad

I am mad in the sense that I do not conform to the standards laid down by society and sectarian religion

I have never followed blindly the path shown by others. I prefer to choose untrodden path

I have always remained nonjudgmental about God and religion

I am not aligned to any sectarian religion

I am very protective and possessive about my madness, though I am willing to share it with ardent seekers. But I am not eager to set up a cult for the expansion and spread of my madness.

I see to it that my madness does not give any mental or physical pain to others. I don't throw stones at others literally and figuratively.

I don't cause any harm or pain to anybody through my words, thoughts and actions. However,I can't help if others suffer because of my inaction and silence.

I don't pay attention to what others say about me. I gladly accept their judgment about me and never contradict anybody or offer arguments or self defense to prove what I am or what I am not.

I know people around me consider me mad and some even condescend to tell me so with a view to helping me. I accept their verdict with courtesy and bow with a sense of gratitude and appreciation .

In my madness :

I consider myself to be the happiest person ever born on this earth.
Up to the age of 70 I have not known any mental or physical suffering. In future also I don't predict anything wrong.

I am most prosperous and richest person living at present. Non of my desires have ever gone unfulfilled.

I don't mind sharing the secret of my madness so that others may take precautions to keep away from the disease I am suffering from.


I am passionately in love with my madness.

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