The path of ADHYATAM or Spirituality is considered by the young generation some
sort of religious gimmick and the fad of old people.. Nothing could be far from truth
than this notion.First of all it is important to note that spirituality has nothing to do
with any sectarian religion. It is highly scientific and universal in nature. Secondly it
is not at all hostile to materialism and physicality (ramifications of the human body).
Whatever difference we find in a realized spiritual person from an ordinary person is
the by-product of spiritual attainment or enlightenment. If a spiritual person changes
his outlook towards materialism and physicality it is because of deeper
understanding of the divine and universal facts and the futility of ordinary worldly
activities and not because of any dictates of spirituality. An enlightened person has
the choice to live like any other non-spiritual family person with a much better
quality of life because of clear vision and highly enhanced physical and mental
potential.The earlier a person understands this thing, the better.. Spirituality is also
not a male domain as it was considered by some before the entry of certain female
protagonists in this field who took courage to break the hegemony of male
dominance. Anandmurti Gurumaa, Ritambra Didimaa, Brahmkumari Shivani and
numerous others are living examples of this new genderless horizon of spirituality.
Spirituality, materialism and physicality(ramifications of the human body) are neither
at variance nor in conflict with one another. There is no need to renounce one in
order to follow the other. There is nothing wrong in following the path of
renunciation of worldly possessions in order to follow the path of spirituality by
certain ascetics but it is not a pre-condition to tread on the path of spirituality.
Similarly, deprivation of bodily needs is also not a pre-requisite. Too much is made
out of the negative influences of KAAM (Lechery), KRODH (Anger), LOBH (Greed),
MOH (Obsessive attachment) and AHANKAR (Pride) as deterrents to the attainment
of highest spiritual state i.e. MUKTI or salvation.All these traits can stay in
moderation in a human being without causing any hindrance in his way to
attainment of higher level of living. The ultimate destination of spirituality is just a
mental state of equanimity that transcends all material possessions and bodily
deprivations and creates in the achiever what in Hindi is called Sam Bhaav
(Equanimity).. At this stage nothing shakes the achiever and no happening of the
world, howsoever bad ,sad or shocking from the viewpoint of ordinary mortals, can
raise even a ripple in his mind. Now it is his choice he can stay in this regime as
long as he wants or he can join back his routine worldly duties.He may be the same
person for people around him but he alone knows what he has become with his
physical and mental potential much higher than others. Most of the Indians have
often heard such things, they themselves know these well and can teach them to
others but there are very few who can live them. Living is that matters.
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